Chapter Eighty Eight

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Mulan leaned over and selected a scroll, unfurling it.

"You know these have to be labeled somehow since we never pick the wrong scroll," Hercules said.

"Preaching to the choir here Herc," Meg chuckled.

Lonnie grinned as she shoved her long hair under the mask used by the R.O.A.R team.

"Took you long enough," Malinda chuckled as she shook her head.

This was it. This was the day she was finally going to try out for the team. She'd trained nonstop, with Mal. With Uma. Hell sometimes with Harry and Gil but she was finally ready.

"Not Jay or Carlos?" Dizzy asked, looking over at Lonnie. "I mean Carlos is just as good with a sword as Gil is, and Jay's one of the top swords in the Rats!"

Or maybe it was better to say that she felt she was finally ready. Mal had been saying she'd been ready for months.

"Because you were," Malinda told Lonnie, looking over at her. "You were ready after a month."

There's a pressure though, being Mulan's daughter, Lonnie thought. You've got to be flawless with the athletics otherwise people think you're a disappointment. Never mind the fact that my mom loves to bake cookies when I'm feeling down as well as spar with my dad. As long as I'm happy, mom doesn't really care if it's 'girly' or if it's 'athletic'.

Mulan nodded, giving both of her kids a kind smile. "It doesn't matter what you two do as long as you're both happy doing it. Well, and that you're safe doing it as well."

But that didn't matter anymore. She was going to try out and she was going to get a spot.

"That's the spirit!" Li'l Shang cheered.

There was nothing in the rule book that said women couldn't try out after all. All it said was that a team must comprise of a captain and eight men. Unless you wanted to be a real jerk, there was no way that could apply to women. Nowadays, when people saw the word 'men', they just thought 'humans'.

Well...unless you're Chad, Audie thought, thinking back on the second viewing.

Though really, if Hyllus, Macaria, or Mal wanted to try out for R.O.A.R., Lonnie was sure no one was really going to argue against that.

"...I'm a guy though," Hyllus spoke up.

CJ rolled her eyes. "I'm pretty sure Lonnie meant the whole Godling thing as opposed to being pure mortal."

"Oh...that makes sense."

"Assembler. Salute. Lower the point. Masks down. En garde."

She lingered in the shadows as Jay started practice.

"Hmm...probably not the best idea to surprise someone who's wielding a sword," Emir said.

Granted, she was probably pushing her luck trying out with like two weeks to go until Cotillion but she figured Jay would have enough on his mind that he'd be happy to not have to deal with official trials to fill Ben's spot since he had to drop to deal with his kingly duties.

"As long as you've got coach's approval and Ben's nod, that's 'official' enough to satisfy anyone," Emir said

Quickly jumping into the fray as Carlos flipped away, Lonnie grinned as all thought seemed to leave her mind. All that mattered was her and Jay—and winning.

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