One Hundred and Thirteen

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Lucy leaned over and grabbed a nearby scroll. Did she know it was the right one? Not in the slightest. In all honesty, she'd stopped wondering how they were grabbing the correct scroll every time and figured that if it wasn't the right scroll to read, Malinda or Benji would tell them.

More likely Malinda seeing as Benji was still not so subtly fussing over his pregnant wife.

Mal and Uma made their way to the bikes, making it back almost at the same time as Harry, Jay, and CJ.

"Good timing," Ruby said with a small smile.

If the girls were surprised to see the blonde, neither one showed it.

"Why would we be surprised? The goal would be to get all the kids off the Isle at some point and it would make sense for Harry to have his family together," Mal shrugged.

"Hey CJ," Mal said as she tossed the to-go bag to Jay.

"Hey Mal," CJ said with a small smile, fiddling with the sleeve of her jacket as she glanced over her shoulder back in the direction of the Lost Revenge.

CJ bit her lip softly; she understood the reasons for leaving. But at the same time....the ship had been her home.

Harry patted her shoulder, as if knowing what she was thinking. "You'll see the ship soon if you want," he muttered to her.

"The ship is her home, it'd make sense she'd miss it," Sammy said softly.

CJ nodded. That hadn't been all she was thinking about seeing though.

"Ryan!" Harriet 'coughed' with a smile.

Gods, I hope Ry's going to be alright, she thought with a small sigh. Though I'm sure I'll see him soon enough. The announcement for VK Day said selection was going to be once a month—knowing Henry, he'll probably insist on Ryan going across the bridge in the next group with the Angels being on the warpath. I wouldn't be surprised if Henry slowly made it so that we all wound up in Auradon. Like he likes to say—territory can be reclaimed. Lives can't.

Henry nodded. "You can't bring someone back from the dead..." he said softly, thinking of Ryan's sister.

Jay caught the bag and grinned as he looked inside, catching CJ's attention. "Mal, is this what I think it is?"

"You honestly thought I'd visit dad and not bring back some of his food?" Malinda asked, shaking her head.

"Dad thought it had been too long since his taste testers were in action," Mal nodded with a grin on her face to match Jay's. "They might be a little burnt, sorry about that. I distracted dad while he was cooking them."

"Food's food," all the VKs said with slight shrugs.

"Doesn't matter, they're still Lord Hades' cooking which is probably the best thing ever created," Harry nodded as he pulled out his bike and then looked over at CJ. "You get on first, CJ."

"We needed a limo for this trip," Malinda muttered.

"You didn't know Harry would bring over his little sister," Benji muttered back to her.

The last thing he wanted was CJ riding behind him and falling off due to an errant wave. Sure she could swim but that was besides the point.

"No one wants to risk the younger kids," Sammy nodded as Harriet gave her brother a small smile.

"Okay," CJ shrugged and got on, holding her bag close to her as almost an air bag though a small smile graced her lips as Harry got on behind her; holding her as close as he could while still keeping a grip on the handle bars.

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