Chapter Thirty Six

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Abby reached over to the pile of scrolls to grab one but before she could unfurl it, Chip sprung to his feet.

"I'm sorry but I just realized something! Ben's wife isn't Audrey!"

Lucas shook his head. "No matter the timeline, you never change. Honestly if you hadn't gotten to be friends with Audie here, I think you'd probably react the same way."

"I'm sorry...what?"

Benji shook his head fondly. "There it is. I wondered how long it would sink in for those three."

"But Chip's the only one...and now Emir and Akiho are on their feet too," Malinda chuckled. "Seriously? I know for a fact one of you is an adult."

Ben shook his head and sighed. "Guys, come on. Audrey's in the room, tone it down will you?"

Jasmine and Kristoff shook their heads. "Emir, Akiho, sit down."

"Yes mom."

"Got it dad."

Emir, Chip, and Akiho sat down, all the while chanting 'Ben's free from Audrey' under their breath.

Abby held up a finger to indicate she needed a minute, she'd been laughing so hard she could barely breathe.

"What's the date of your wedding or even your engagement? It must go on my calendar!" Chip asked Malinda.

"Maybe it's in the scrolls," Malinda said with a small chuckle.

"You mean you guys didn't get engaged on VK Day?" Audie asked.

Malinda shrugged. "I don't know what date that is."

"Ben's free from Audrey...Ben's free from the Banshee..."

"Guys!" Ben barked. He knew they were happy for his future break up but Audrey was still in the room and didn't deserve that.

Emir, Akiho, and Chip grew silent at that—not wanting to risk Ben going Beast on them.

"I'll read now," Abby said, smothering the last few remaining chuckles.

Mal and Jay made their way to the limo, which oddly enough was parked near Maleficent's castle.

"Makes sense though," Rowyn said. "If they're going to pick up who they think is Maleficent's daughter, they'd want to be parked near Maleficent's castle."

Mal wasn't going to lie, it was more than a little nerve wracking being this close to the Dragon without knowing exactly what her plan was. Because of course she'd have a plan or a scheme.

"Aren't schemes and plans the same thing?" Dizzy asked.

Jay put a hand on Mal's shoulder, causing the smaller purple haired girl to give him a small smile.

"Hey, it might be okay," Jay whispered and Mal rolled her eyes.

"And clearly I was right," Jay said, gesturing to Malinda and Benji.

Malinda chuckled. "Yes, yes, take a bow Jay."

"Jay, I'm honestly giving us forty eight hours before Boreadon kicks us back to the Isle," she muttered.

"Oh man was I wrong there," Malinda chuckled. "I think it's been what? Seven years?"

"Seven years?!" Leah exclaimed.

"Oh my, is there an echo i here?" Malinda asked, glaring daggers at Leah.

"And I swear, if they make me room with Blueberry..."

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