Chapter One Hundred and Ten

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Lonnie leaned over and grabbed a scroll, eager to start reading.

The group of four quickly made their way to the bikes.

"Is quickly the right word to use?" Evan asked.

Well, maybe quickly was the wrong word to use considering Mal moved rather slowly in her forced old age. In all honesty, it was rather frustrating for the other three but they tried to hide it.

Malinda shook her head in amusement. "Tried being the operative word," she chuckled.

It wasn't Mal's fault after all, and she was probably moving faster than she would if she was still in that cape shawl thing she'd been wearing when Audrey first transformed her into the hag.

"Mal can be a superhero," Neal said with a small smile, his voice having an almost song like quality to it.

"Oh Gods," Jay muttered after a few minutes of needing to stop and wait for Mal, and went to pick her up to carry her on his back as they got to the bikes.

"Mal's not gonna like that," Harry shook his head.

He knew it wasn't her fault but she was moving much too slowly for his liking.

Mal rolled her eyes. "Next time I'll wear roller blades, just for you Jay."

"Nex time? There's no next time!" Hades said.

"If you...carry me...I curse you," Mal threatened, glaring at Jay with as much force as her hag form could muster. Truthfully it wasn't that much but Jay knew the meaning behind the glare. Once Mal got back to her regular self, he'd be cursed to kingdom come.

Harriet shook her head. "Gods, you and Harry are almost cut from the same cloth," she said.

"Like you wouldn't have objected being carried if that was you," Harry said, raising an eyebrow.

"...You may have a point."

"Mal, you're moving slower than molasses in February." Jay sighed but stopped in his tracks. He knew that Mal was as good as her word anyway and probably wouldn't stop with just cursing him.

"You know me so well," Malinda shook her head.

Though she'd probably curse him into something that would cause Lonnie to laugh for weeks.

"Ooh, why do you care about Lonnie laughing at you, Jay?" Harry teased.

As long as it wasn't a parrot though, Jay'd be fine with it.

"Ooh make him a parrot!" Harry and Hadie grinned.

"Jay, if it bothers you that much, bring her bike to her. We're already here anyway," Harry stated as he climbed on his. "Gods, remind me to thank Ben for these bikes."

Benji smiled. "You're welcome Harry. Honestly, I was happy to do it."

They truly were great bikes; each one custom made to the rider's preferences. For instance, Uma's bike was teal blue with decals that looked like ocean waves along the frame. Whereas Harry's was red and black with a hook decal wrapped around the handle bars.

"If anything of Harry's didn't have a hook, I'd be surprised," Harriet said with a small smile.

Mal's bike, of course, was purple with decals along the frame that almost looked like the bike itself had wings furled up on each side, and Jay's bike was orange with a snake decal along the side.

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