Chapter Seventy Seven

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Here's hoping this Natalie gets her due, Demeter thought as she unfurled the scroll. She was getting tired of this...this mortal thinking that she could make her granddaughter's life miserable.

Ben sighed softly as he led the way to his dorm room, accompanied by Mal, Uma and Lady Persephone.

"I don't blame you," Chip said. "This won't be an easy conversation to have."

In all honesty, Ben had no idea what was going to happen but he knew he needed to have a talk with his girlfriend.

"Well yeah...isn't that why you're going to your dorm? To talk with Mal?" Akiho asked.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Uma break off and head in the direction of the room she shared with Evie and Mal.

"Odd," Harry said with a small frown. While he knew Uma could handle herself, he didn't really like the idea of her going off on her own without backup.

She's either going to get Harry and Jay or she's going to get the newspapers she talked about, he thought with an inward nod of his head.

"Why would she get Harry and Jay when Harry was tasked with making sure that Jay wouldn't interrupt the meeting?" Dizzy asked.

Hopefully it's the latter.

And it was, Benji thought. Uma really was the hero in all of this.

As much as I know Mal loves her friends, she won't want too big of an audience for the talk we're going to have. Something tells me it'll be an emotional one and Mal's not big on showing her feelings.

"Harry and Jay are the exception to that rule," Malinda said. "They're family."

Thankfully his room was just as spotless as it had been when he left this morning.

"Why...why wouldn't it be?" Dizzy asked, tilting her head.

"Good question Diz," Hadie nodded.

He didn't know why he expected anything different but then again, considering who he had as friends, anything was possible.

Emir rolled his eyes. "Please...we'll steal your suits, not trash your room. We do have limits."

"Lady Persephone, would you like the chair?" Ben offered as he held open the door for his girlfriend and his girlfriend's mother to walk through. His desk chair was probably the most uncomfortable chair ever made but it was the best thing in his dorm room he could offer that wasn't the bed.

"I think Lady Steph would want to stick around Mal's side, Benny," Harry said.

Milah nodded. "I'd say that's a fair guess."

Ironic considering he was the King but he spent more time in his office than he did his dorm anyway.

"We can get you a new chair for your dorm, Ben," Fairy Godmother said. "Actually, I'll look into getting new chairs for all the dorms."

"That's a good idea Fairy Godmother," Ben nodded with a grateful smile. The last thing he wanted was for it to look like he was being favored.

"No, thank you King Ben," Persephone shook her head. "I'd like to stay with my daughter if possible."

"She's not going to let Mal out of her sight," Hadie said.

"Of course. I just...I thought you might prefer...the chair might have been more comfortable—."

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