Chapter Sixty Three

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"You know, you're not exactly keeping up your 'keep Leah alive' duties if you read," Audie told Lucas as he grabbed a scroll.

"First off, not our Leah, not my problem," Lucas said. "Second of all, I never wanted those duties in the viewing in the first place so fine by me."

Audie chuckled. "Fair enough."

Akiho sighed as he stared at the essay he was supposed to be writing.

"Writer's block?" Emma asked. "Happens to the best of us."

However all he had in front of him was a blank page as his mind was elsewhere.

"Yep," Lonnie nodded. "Definitely sounds like writer's block."

"More like 'Akiho doesn't want to write his essay' block," Emir teased his best friend.

They were coming up on the one month mark since he had put in the request for that footage yet he had not heard a thing from the head of security from the docks.

"That's not good enough," Uma muttered as she shook her head. "Lives depend on that information."

"At least we don't have to worry about it," Harry pointed out. "Since Mali's Benny knows now and they already found the footage."

" are you so calm?"

"I'm trying not to terrify the youthier youth in the room."

"You mean Celia and Dizzy?"

"I do in fact mean your sister and the Tremainelette."

Maybe he was still on vacation? No, Akiho would have heard something if that was the case. Or he would have been put in contact with the deputy head of security of the docks.

"Why not copy the deputy head of security when you contacted the head?" Elle asked. "That way, they could have spent the month looking at the video clips."

"...can someone make sure to note that on Ben's recording?" Akiho asked. "Just in case I need to access dock recordings again?"

Akiho could only hope that their head of security wasn't somehow in Leah's pocket.

Kristoff shook his head. "We'd know if that was the case. At least I'd hope we'd know."

He doubted it but then again his mother hadn't thought Hans was a low life set on taking over Arendelle just for a shot at having a throne.

Anna sighed. "I was young and stupid, okay? Not to mention...he was the first contact I had with the world outside the castle walls in thirteen years."

Elsa winced as she heard that. No matter how much she told herself that it'd been her parents decision, there was a small part of her that always hated how her sister had been affected.

They were bad judges of character was the point he was trying to make.

"Not all the time," Anna said as she leaned over and kissed Kristoff on the cheek.

Well, except for when he met Ben. Akiho had to smile as he thought back on that fateful day twelve years ago.

"Also known as one of the best days of my life!" Akiho grinned. "Cause it was the day I met my best friends!"

"Go on Akiho," Anna said gently. "Mama and Papa have to go to a meeting. You stay here with Olaf okay?"

Elsa shook her head. "Why didn't you contact me? I would have watched Akiho for you."

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