Chapter Seventy Four

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David sighed as he took his scroll. As interesting as it was to get a glimpse into the future, the parent side of him hated hearing about Mal suffering and no one doing anything about it.

Mal sighed as she got ready for class. Lately, she'd been feeling sluggish and lethargic, though she wasn't sure as to why.

"Stress can do that to a person," Fairy Godmother said.

She wasn't using any more magic than she normally did...well she did cast the 'No Rest for the Wicked' spell a few days ago.

"I've never heard that one before," Jane said softly. "How does it go?"

Malinda sighed and pulled out a receipt from her pocket. "Does anyone have a pen?"

"I do," Ben said and handed it to her. Malinda quickly wrote the spell down.

"I think it might be best if someone without magic read it," Persephone said.

Belle nodded. "I'll do it."

"Alright," Malinda said and handed the paper to her mother-in-law.

"To sleep, a sweet release, one I ask for now. Awake! Alive! Revive my senses in my mind. Make light the perception of a continuous day. Keep me up all hours until I say the words of reversal," Belle said, her eyes growing wide as she finished.

"Yeah, we're banning that spell," Hades said, looking over at Mal.

It was probably the only time she'd been thankful to find Maleficent's spell book still in the drawer of her bedside table, the same place she put it all those months ago when she had been searching for the antidote to the love potion she thought she'd put on Ben.

"I'm sorry what?" Sammy asked.

"Oh yeah, Mal tried putting Ben under a love potion cookie to help him finally get out of the contract," Akiho said with a grin at the memory. "But she didn't know that Ben's immune to love spells and potions."

"...the fact that the phrase 'love potion cookie' coming out of your mouth isn't the most concerning thing should alarm me but it just leaves me with more questions."

"Didn't we cover this already?" Evan asked.

"A lot of information's been thrown at everyone, no shame in going over old info especially for people who weren't here for the first round of scrolls," Neal told him.

She had thought she had donated it to the Museum like Evie had done with her mother's mirror.

"Considering the fact that Evie did try to steal something out of the museum, maybe we should hope they upped their security," Celia pointed out.

It had honestly surprised Mal when Evie had done that but it was the first thing the Evil Queen's daughter had done after Ben's coronation.

"Not a bad idea," Audie said. "Helps change people's perception of you and it helps remove a temptation that might aid you cheating on a test or question like in my timeline."

Maybe Evie had thought it would get people's minds off of her actions at the coronation? Not that it had worked of course.

"Because Auradon is made up of a majority of stupids," Emma muttered, shaking her head.

"Come on boy," Mal sighed, shaking her head as she brought herself back into the present and looking over at Estelle. She was going to drop him off at James' dorm and then finally make her way over to class.

"And get yourself something to eat right?" Uma asked.

"Of course," Mal nodded. "I think that goes without saying."

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