Chapter Twenty Two

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Persephone wasn't going to lie. There was a part of her that was rather enjoying these scrolls, especially the fact that it allowed her to see the part of Mal's life she missed while in Auradon.

Mal walked down the streets of the Isle a couple of months after the makeshift birthday party, Estelle's leash firmly in hand. It was a nice day, or at least as nice a day they got on the Isle. The cloud cover didn't seem as bad at the very least.

"That's good then. At least a bit of sun can get through," Rapunzel said with a smile.

Mal couldn't help but smile as people seemed to scurry out of her way. Sure she got a few odd looks but no one said anything. No one was insane enough to question the daughter of Maleficent walking down the street with a Cerberus.

"That's what I thought at least," Mal muttered with a sigh and Ben looked over at her. What...what did she mean by that?"

"Well, well, well, what have we here?"

Harry shuddered. "Ugh I can hear the slime in his voice even though it's Lady Steph reading."

Okay scratch that. There was one person who was insane enough. Unfortunately, they were also the other pain in Mal's side.

"Zevon?" Hadie asked.

"No, the other other pain in my side," Mal told him.

Ugh, Blueberry can at least be intimidated into going away. Frollo's just a pest, Mal thought as Fred Frollo walked toward her. The nine year old strolled over to Mal, the purple haired girl glaring at him.

"You know, I think this is the first time I've seen a non-Angel refer to him as 'Fred'," Harry stated.

"Considering they're now calling him 'his Holiness', it'll be the last time too," Mal nodded.

"Aww, does poor widdle Mally need a guard dog to protect her from the scary Isle?" Frollo taunted.

"That...that didn't seem like what I thought the first words I heard Frollo's child say would be," Phoebus said, sounding almost confused.

"Wait for it," Mal said as she shook her head.

"Baby talk Freddy?" Mal shot back as Estelle looked at her in slight confusion before looking back at Frollo. "Seems beneath you."

"It really is. I mean, he's taunting you for what? Having a Cerberus? Cerberi are awesome!" Ben muttered.

Frollo scoffed. "What's with the dog anyway? Didn't strike you for the type to have a dog, witch. Thought your kind went more for crows and toads."

"There it is. That sounds much more like what I thought Frollo's son would say," Phoebus nodded.

Mal glared at him. "He's my puppy. I got him because of a little princess' birthday just like every other kid on the Isle who got a pet. You got a problem with that Frollo?"

"Freddy's got a problem with anyone who's not an Angel," Mal scoffed.

"Well he sounds pleasant," Audrey sniffed. Gods I hope he doesn't end up as part of Ben's stupid VK Initiative, she thought.

Frollo rolled his eyes. "Nobody likes a liar Mal. I have it on good authority that you weren't at Evie's party."

"Considering I or mother didn't invite him, I wonder how he had that information," Evie said.

"Never said I got my dog at Blueberry's party," Mal told him, rolling her eyes a little. "I said I got him because of the party. You need to get your nose out of that bible and listen better."

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