Chapter Twelve

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Mal shook her head as she unfurled the scroll. "Let's get this over with," she muttered.

Mal had to admit,

"Nope, can't do it," Mal shook her head.

"Come on! I did it!" Uma exclaimed.

"Uma, do you know how weird it is to read about yourself in the third person?!"

Ben couldn't help the small chuckle that slipped through his lips. A chuckle that Mal heard as her eyes locked on him.

"Just wait till you read next!" Mal told him. "If you ever show up in one of these, you'll see it's weird!"

she was nervous even if she would never say it out loud. This was her first time being an errand rat and if Maleficent were to find out she would probably blow her stack.

"Oh please, a bit of hard work never hurt anyone," Leah scoffed.

"When has your mother ever worked hard?" Phillip Sr. muttered to Aurora.

The very thought of her, Mal, being an errand rat would be bad enough but for Lord Hades? Mal didn't know why her birth giver seemed to utterly despise the God of the Dead but the mere mention of him or Persephone got Maleficent worked up to go on hour long rants. Nine times out of ten, Mal was able to get out of dodge before she was noticed.

"Oh that's good though," Alexandria said with a smile that Mal was able to get out of the way and not get noticed.

"Nine times out of ten though," Lucy muttered to Kitty who nodded.

The tenth time though....

Chip frowned and glanced over at Mal, who was looking at the scroll with a stony expression. He wasn't sure he wanted to know what the tenth time entailed.

Mal shook her head to clear her thoughts. It wouldn't do to go into Hook's territory distracted.

"With how terrified the Captain was of the Dragon, you would have been fine," Harry told her.

Even if Harry was part of her crew, that didn't mean everyone else was. After all, some of Hook's crew seemed to hang on Frollo's dad's every word, which could prove dangerous if they ever lost their fear of Maleficent.

And once Hadie, Celia, Uma, and Harry are off the Isle, they are free to do just that. Maleficent may not have her magic but she has enough in terms of minions to quash any rebellion that tries to over throw her, Mal thought.

Frollo didn't hold back on how he felt about those who practiced what he called 'witchcraft' after all, and with no magic to protect her, Mal knew she could be a target if Frollo and his ilk gained enough power.

"Well good thing you're in Auradon then," Akiho said with a smile that fooled no one. Ben rested a hand gently on Akiho's shoulder. He knew how much someone being accused of witchcraft bothered him, based on what happened with his aunt.

"Hey Mal," Harriet said with a smile as the younger girl walked into the shop, bringing Mal's thoughts back to the present. "How can I help you? If you're looking for Harry, he's off getting more fish for the Captain. If you're looking for the Captain, he's in a meeting with Smee. I doubt you'd be looking for CJ and I'm obviously right here."

"I see we're stating the obvious today Harriet," Harry chuckled.

"I'm surprised she's working the counter," Uma said. "Didn't you say your father called that 'man's work'?"

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