Chapter Seventy Three

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*Special thanks to LotusQuil over on FFN/Ao3 for letting me use a chapter of their fic Adventures in Auradon for this chapter! If you haven't already, go check them out! :D*

Eric gently broke the wax seal on the scroll and unfurled it. He wasn't going to lie, he was looking forward to seeing a different point of view. Maybe it would be one of his daughters?

The morning dew had frosted over from the winter's cold. Auradon Prep's halls were quiet as most of the students had gone home for the brief holiday break.

Fairy Godmother smiled. "I always find that to be one of the more peaceful times of year, and joyful at the thought of the children being with their parents," she said.

Only a lone vehicle, a deep blue SUV, trekked its way up towards the school, the sound of its engine rumbling through the silence.

"That's dad's car!" Herkie said with a grin. "Wonder what he's doing at school?"

"Only one way to find out," Macaria told him. "And you also don't know that's dad. Could be mom."

A few minutes later, all was silent again as the driver parked in the visitor's area and hopped out of his car. A gentle wind blew through auburn locks as the hulking figure hiked the rest of the way towards the school.

"If there was any doubt about who the person was, it was removed after that description," Hera said as she gave a glowing smile to her son.

The man meandered the halls, seemingly knowledgeable of his destination. A flash of white was seen as he briefly smiled wide, taking in the sight of the mostly empty cafeteria.

Akiho shook his head. "Hearing about the cafeteria being almost empty just sounds wrong. The only time it's justified to be like that is for breakfast and that's only because it's too early!"

"Herkie!" He shouted across the hall, raising one hand into the air as he called the attention of the boy and his cousins.

"Pretty sure your nanny goat would have a coronary and give you a lecture about giving up the element of surprise," Meg said and shook her head.

"Dad!" Herkie leapt up, racing towards his father. Hercules welcomed his son with open arms, lifting his youngest into a hug.

"And the identity is one hundred percent confirmed now," Hyllus said, grinning ear to ear.

"Hey, there kiddo," he set Herkie down, ruffling the boy's hair as he did. "Surprise!"

"And it's definitely a pleasant one," Herkie grinned.

"Though I see the 'no touchy' gene didn't go to you," Uma chuckled as she looked over at Hadie.

"What are you doing here?" exclaimed Herkie, staring up at his father incredulously. "I thought you and mom were going to visit γιαγια with Macaria and Hyllus?"

"Translation for those of us who don't speak the Greek?" Ashaki asked, lightly teasing Herkie.

Herkie chuckled. "It means 'grandmother'," he told her.

"They still are, but I realized something," Hercules began, watching as Hadie tensed as the much older cousin glanced in his direction.

"You realized something that had to do with my son?" Hades asked, raising an eyebrow and trying to not glare at his nephew. The temptation was there though.

"Hadie," Hercules continued, nodding a greeting, a gentle smile softening his intimidating stature. "I'm glad to see you're looking well since we last met."

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