Chapter One Hundred and Fifteen

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Kit bit back a sigh as he took his scroll. As much as he wanted to read and know what happened to his son...there was a part of him that wasn't sure he wanted to know.

Jane paced the stone patio by the Enchanted Lake.

"Here we go," Malinda muttered, her eyes darkening as Benji grabbed one of her hands to try to keep her calm.

Ben had just called to cancel and to let her know that Audrey had Maleficent's scepter.

"So why are you pacing instead of warning people?" Uma asked.

Jane didn't need to be told what that implied—that it might be a good idea to cancel her party.

"There will be other parties," Jane said softly.

"What is it?" Carlos had asked upon seeing the look on her face.

"We need to get everyone out of here," Jane told him. "That was Ben on the phone."

Carlos nodded. "On it."

"Everything okay?"

Jane shook her head. "Carlos..."

"Jane, I hate to say it but now is not the time to hesitate," Benji sighed.

"I'll get them out of here," Carlos promised, giving Jane a gentle kiss on the cheek before running off, pulling Gil away from Macaria as he did so.

"Good, you'll be able to get more people to clear out if there's two of you," Cassandra nodded.

That had been about ten minutes ago and people were still milling around the Enchanted Lake. Oh sure, they had managed to get Macaria and her brothers to leave but that was about it.

"Oh thank Gods," Meg whispered as Hercules held her close.

And granted that might have been only because of the fact that Carlos had told her that Mal had told him that Hadie was being kept safe on Olympus. Knowing Mal, the only reason she would have sent Hadie to Olympus would have been if there was a threat Mal couldn't handle on her own.

"...Sadly you are right," Mal sighed.

"What is he doing here?" Jane heard one of her guests whisper and her eyes flickered to the entrance where two familiar figures were making their way to her. Jane's blood ran cold.

"Get him away from Jane!" Carlos exclaimed, his voice a near growl.

Audrey and Freddy were there. At her party. And she hadn't cleared out nearly enough guests to feel comfortable in case anyone tried anything.


"Someone's been spending a lot of time with Mal, because I can sense the sarcasm there," Jay said, trying to force a chuckle.

"Did anyone save me any guacamole?" Audrey asked, stopping one of the male party attendants as Freddy smirked, looking around at the female guests. "No? It's like someone forgot to invite me."

"With your attitude, I can see why," Ginny scoffed.

"Audrey, you had an invitation," Carlos spoke up as Jane made her way toward him, the black and white haired boy making sure to keep himself between Freddy, Audrey, and Jane. "And where's Mal? I thought she was going to be here?"

"...You were Audrey, I'm sure I would have invited you," Jane whispered.

I'm not exactly going to let Audrey know that Mal and the others went to the Isle after all, Carlos thought as Audrey took a blue frosted cupcake from another attendant and threw it over her shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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