Chapter Thirty Five

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Lucas shook his head as he stared at everyone. One moment he'd been sitting on the loveseat with his Chip, the next he was transported to a room that was clearly controlled by the Fates judging by the floating eyeball that had dropped the older version of Ben and Mal in front of them.

Now the real question is....which version of Ben and Mal were they? Were they the older versions of the ones already in the room? Or were they the older versions of the Ben and Mal he left?

"Oh dear Gods, there's two of them," he heard the older version of Mal mutter as she looked at the two Audreys.

Well that solved that mystery, Lucas thought as he shook his head. Not to mention it looks like the older version of Ben is almost looking at Audrey with a sad look on his face. Like something happened between the two of them that he regrets.

"Mal! Ben!" Audie said with a smile as she got up to walk over to them. "Gods, you look amazing!"

The older version of Mal blinked in surprise. "Okay...there's a nice Audrey. And now she's hugging me. Ben, did we get transported to a world of opposites?"

"I'm just as perplexed as you are Mal," the older version of Ben said with a small chuckle as Audie broke from the hug.

"You are aren't you?"

"How did you know?!" Malinda asked, looking at Audie in shock. Mainly because there was a version of Audrey in front of her who wasn't ranting about how she ruined her life but also being happy that Malinda was with Ben!

"Mal, I was a cheerleader and a Princess. Certain things like weight gain became something I was taught to notice by like age seven. Combined with the slight curved nature of your stomach..."

"Wait a minute!" Persephone exclaimed, having heard Audie's question.

The older version of Mal chuckled as she looked over at the Goddess. "Hi mom. And to answer Audrey's question, yes. I'm pregnant."

One would have thought a bunch of pigs had been slaughtered by the multitude of squeals that had been emitted. Estelle whined slightly and covered his ears.

"Audrey!" Leah exclaimed as Audie hugged the older version of Mal once more before Persephone quickly rushed up to hug her daughter.

"Oh congratulations," Persephone said before breaking the hug. "But now I guess the question is, how do we address you?"

"I don't understand..."

"Well there's two version of me so I told everyone to call me 'Audie'," Audie spoke up. "It'll be confusing having two Ben's and two Mal's."

"Ah. Well then just call me Malinda."

"And you can call me Benji," the older version of Ben said. "Now then...why are we in the room of the Fates?"

"Good question young King," the voices of the Fates rang from the eyeball still floating above them. "We brought you here as we know the contents of the scrolls you're to read and they now go past the point in the timeline that we brought the audience from."

"That was in no way helpful," Hades said.

"We're now going to read the future," Audie said with a shrug. "Once you've watched the future version of yourself fight a dragon version of Mal, you get pretty used to being exposed to what might happen."

Malinda stared at her for a second. "Yeah...what she said...including the dragon thing, I'm sorry what world did I fall into?"

"I'm sorry but can we go back to the whole pregnant thing?" Uma exclaimed. "You said you'd never have kids!"

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