Chapter One Hundred and One

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Claudine held back a sigh as she grabbed her scroll. Was it wrong that she hoped this scroll wouldn't have anything bad happening to Fred? Yes he deserved everything but...that didn't mean she wanted to read it.

Mal smiled as she held Ben close to her. Beast had come by with a doctor and, after a thorough check up, the doctor found that Ben indeed had a concussion.

"Called it!" Most of the AKs nodded.

So no more Cotillion for him but that was fine for Mal, it meant more time to cuddle up with him.

"That's fine with me," Malinda said softly.

"Thank Gods Freddy didn't hurt you worse," she murmured as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"So...where're Adam and Belle? You'd think they'd be hovering after everything that happened?" Chip asked.

"We needed someone to handle the press since you were working with the PR team," Malinda told him.

"I'll be fine," Ben said, keeping his voice low as if speaking any louder would hurt it more. "Besides, I owed you one remember."

Malinda shook her head. "I'll say the same thing that I said back then. You didn't owe me anything."

"I believe I said I didn't want there to be a next time," Mal pointed out. "Besides you don't owe me anything Ben. Like you said, it's you and me. We're a team."

"That's the way any good marriage works," Persephone said with a small smile as Hades held her close.

Ben gave her a small smile. "So wait, I just want to double check. You really said yes?"

"Were you seriously doubting me?" Malinda asked with a small chuckle.

"Got the ring to prove it," Mal chuckled, holding her hand up so that Ben could see the engagement ring resting proudly on her ring finger.

"And it never left," Malinda grinned as she looked down at the ring.

Ben grinned. "Do you like it?"

"I love it Ben. I love you. I'd have agreed to marry you ring or no ring," Mal said gently. "Seeing you on the deck earlier...I've never wanted the titles or the jewels. I want what my parents have. What your parents have. I want that. And I want it with you."

"And I like to think we're well on our way," Benji said with a smile, kissing Malinda's head.

"And you'll always have me," Ben said gently.

"Nothing will ever change that," Benji said and gently kissed the top of Malinda's head once more.

"Okay I love your kisses but twice in a row is pushing it," Malinda chuckled.

Mal gave him a sad smile as she heard that. She knew there would be a time when she would have to say goodbye to Ben. But she didn't want to think about that. Not when she was the happiest she'd ever been.

"Well...I've been happier since then," Malinda said. "Our wedding day for starters."

"Don't want to think about that!" Hades said, shaking his head.

"You know I asked your parents for permission?" Ben said with a small chuckle.

"Again I needed to stay in those good books," Ben smiled slightly at Mal's look.

"You did?" Mal asked, slightly shocked before looking at him, her eyes wide. "Ben, you didn't go to the Isle without us did you?!"

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