Chapter One Hundred and Five

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Phoebus sighed as he took his scroll. He knew he had read fairly recently however, with who was involved in the scroll, he felt it was only right that he read.

Freddy grimaced as he shifted in his cell, trying to change position as his butt was seemingly falling asleep.

"Oh he sounds like he's uncomfortable. Good," Uma said with an amused smirk.

His wounds still ached, even if he would never actually admit it.

"Stubborn idiot," Claudine muttered and shook her head.

Sure the Boreadon Bores brought a doctor to see him but he would never admit to them that he hurt.

"Frankly he should be grateful he's even offered that," Abby muttered with a glare at the scrolls.

You don't let an enemy know your weaknesses after all.

"...Sad but true," Henry muttered.

"Also probably one of the only true things Freddy's ever said or thought," Jay shook his head.

That would be admitting that Mal had won. That the little witch had gotten one over on him with that little trick of her's at Cotillion. God he couldn't believe he thought she'd fight fairly!

"Like you did?" Audie scoffed.

How was he supposed to know that she could do that anyway?

"I mean she turned into a dragon at Ben's coronation and I'm sure everyone on the Isle likely knew there was a chance since everyone thought Mal was the Dragon's daughter," Harriet said, shaking her head.

They claimed Mal had done this before, at Beastie Jr.'s coronation but he hadn't seen that.

"Yeah you were too busy fleeing my house that you broke into!" Carlos exclaimed, glaring at the scroll.

He'd been too busy to try to get to freedom after the wannabe Princess stole Fairy Godmother's wand and blasted a hole in the barrier.

"I am so sorry," Evie whispered once more.

"There's nothing for you to be sorry about, sweetheart," Snow White told her.

Though all it did was confirm what he already knew—Mal was a witch.

"I'm starting to think I should just take 'witch' as a compliment from him," Mal shook her head.

Only witches transformed themselves the way Mal had. Only witches tried to rid the world of those who were only trying to keep others from going down their dark path.

"He forgot one. 'Only witches have brains," Hadie muttered.

He winced as a spasm of pain shot through his body, though the epicenter seemed to be around his ribs.

"Good," Harry said, his voice low as he glared at the scroll. "Hope it really hurt him."

God damn Hook! And Uma! And that little blue haired brat too! The son of Hades, that heretic! That would be another one he would have his revenge against once he got out of here!

"You'd die before you could get near Hadie," Uma growled.

The brat, that is. Freddy wasn't an idiot after all. Hades may have been a false God but he was still much bigger than Freddy ever was.

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