Chapter Ninety Three

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Benji smiled as he took a scroll. If he was right, he knew what would be read and he was happy he was the one reading.

Ben sighed as he approached Lady Persephone.

"Lady Steph's not the scary one though," Harry shook his head. "It's Lord Hades you should be nervous about approaching, Benny."

It honestly was one of the most nerve wracking things he had done and that included asking Mal out via a song and dance in front of the entire school while pretending to be under a love spell/potion.

"Shame he won't need to do that this time," Harry chuckled.

Though he would honestly do that again a thousand times than ask the question he was going to ask of Lady Persephone and Lord Hades.

"You'd rather do a totally out of character performance, or so I'm told, than ask a simple question?" Hadie asked.

But he loved Mal.

"I love you too," Malinda said and gently kissed Benji's cheek.

He loved the way her eyes would light up at the thought of mischief.

"So pretty much whatever Mal thinks about then," Harry chuckled.

He loved the way her tongue would stick out slightly as she worked on something in her sketchbook.

"Jay once tried to poke it back into her mouth when we were younger," Uma chuckled. "Mal growled at him."

He loved the way she could spar for hours with Uma or with Harry. He loved the way she was ready to help anyone who needed it.

"You thinking of Mal there or yourself, Benji?" Chip asked.

He loved her. And he knew he didn't want to be without her.

"The feeling's mutual by the way," Malinda chuckled.

"Lady Persephone?" Ben asked, his voice soft.

"You don't have to be nervous around mom though, Ben," Hadie shook his head.

"Yes King Ben?" Persephone asked, looking a little confused at the fact that the teenaged King had approached her.

"Why would it be confusing? He's your daughter's boyfriend, or he could be coming to ask you something about the Isle?" Celia tilted her head.

Not that she wasn't happy to talk to any of Mal's friends or her boyfriend but they had been content to give her space to spend with her children.

"I think it is safe to say that we'd rather not make a Goddess angry with us," Emir nodded.

Something that Mal and Hadie had readily latched on to as with the exception of that current moment, they were loathed to leave her side.

"And I'm pretty sure that in this case Ben's glad Mal's not in hearing range," Lucy chuckled with a grin.

"Is something wrong?"

"Fair question," Emir nodded.

"I had...I had something I wanted to ask you. and Lord Hades but Mal would probably kill me if I went to the Isle without her—."

"Kill is such a strong word," Malinda said, shaking her head.

"And yet I feel it would be an accurate one," Benji chuckled.

"I have a feeling your friends would be right behind her," Persephone added. Young Prince Emir and Prince Akiho were determined to keep Ben safe and Persephone had to commend their loyalty to their friend.

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