Chapter Thirteen

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Jay chuckled as he grabbed the scroll. "Alright, let's see what madness this one has to offer."

Four weeks had gone by since Lord Hades had used Mal's middle name and the incident had been living in Mal's head ever since.

"You thought about it for a month?" Hades asked.

Mal nodded. "I's not like I could talk to Maleficent about it," she said with a shrug.

She replayed it over and over again, even when she didn't want to; as if looking at all possible angles for something she was missing.

Audrey didn't want to think about the fact that she had something in common with a VK, let alone the daughter of Maleficent. But she would do the same thing if the cheer squad was having trouble with a routine. She'd look at it from every possible angle to see what the issue was.

Why had Lord Hades even cared? He wasn't the type of villain to worry about what others did, or about the welfare of a child. After all, if the stories Gaston Jr had spread around the kids of the Isle were true, Lord Hades was one of the few villains to target a baby. Probably the first one really, considering he was a God.

"You actually listened to his dribble?" Harry scoffed. "He's got less brains than Gil."

"Hey sometimes he can be right about something," Mal said. "Besides he wasn't talking to me. He was chatting up some of the older VK girls and trying to impress them with what he knew about the adult villains."

"That makes more sense."

Hmm, maybe that's why Maleficent doesn't like him, Mal thought as she dropped off the order at the restaurant. After all, she prides herself on being an original. Another villain going after a baby, especially a God, would make it seem like she couldn't come up with her own ideas.

"Trust me kiddo, there are numerous reasons why that loon doesn't like me," Hades chuckled.

"What kind of loon is she Lord Hades?" Emir asked with a grin.

"Why an evil loon I believe," Hades said with another chuckle.

Ben sighed and shook his head in amusement.

Mal quickly made her way out of the restaurant without saying a word despite being a little hungry, not wanting Lord Hades the chance to lie to her again. Even if his food was good and the bruise on her arm had healed to the point that it was unnoticeable if her sleeve slid up again, Mal didn't want to take that chance.

"Hey! Uma! Stop that!" Mal said as Uma whacked her on the shoulder.

"Nope! You walked away from food! Gods, why are you so freaking stubborn?"

"I'm not stubborn!"

"Agree to disagree Mali!"

Instead Mal started making her way back to Maleficent's.

"That's an interesting way to say the clubhouse," Harry stated with a frown.

It was horrible but Maleficent was always horrible. She was always cruel. She was always consistent.

Consistency wasn't something often found on the Isle so when you found it, you tried to make the best of it.

"Hey that's not true! The food is consistently awful!" Jay spoke up.

"Freddy is consistently a nuisance," Uma nodded.

"The sky is consistently covered with clouds," Harry added.

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