Chapter Forty Five

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Emir grinned as he unfurled his scroll. "Alright, let's get this party started!"

"I feel a sense of dread already," Aziz sighed.

"Hey!" Emir exclaimed.

"He's got a point," Ashaki told him.

It was hard to believe but Mal had actually forgotten about the love spell and about Ben until the next day.

"How on Earth did you forget that?" Hadie asked.

"Slowly getting over a rivalry can do that to you," Malinda told him.

Of course, it helps ones memory when the walking reminder comes right up to them.

"That does tend to help," Hyllus nodded.

"Hey Mal," Ben said and Mal was at least happy to see he wasn't as peppy as he'd been the day prior. At the very least he didn't seem like he was about to burst into song.

"Yeah, that would just be ridiculous. Could you imagine Ben bursting out into song?" Akiho said with a chuckle.

"You were the one who told scroll-me to do it!" Ben exclaimed.

"Yeah but it's not like you were held by gunpoint by scroll-me," Akiho said, the chuckle still on his lips.

Maybe the spell had worn off and he hadn't realized he had been under it? Nah, that would be a really weak spell if that was the case-and Mal didn't see Maleficent having weak anythings in her spell book.

"But love potions that make cookies are okay?" Kristoff asked.

"She also has hair spells," Malinda said with a small chuckle.

Mal looked over at her future self. "Since when are hair spells evil?"

"You'll have to ask her that."

"Hey Ben," she nodded and gave him a small smile. "Good game yesterday. Bet you're happy that you won."

"He's probably so happy it's ridiculous," Akiho said with a chuckle.

"You participated in that song and dance too, you know," Benji told him as he shook his head.

"Thanks and yeah, it's great to end the season on a high note," Ben nodded.

Akiho, Chad, and Emir couldn't help the slightly sad smiles that pulled at their lips as they heard that. After all, for Ben, that sentence had a double meaning since he'd be giving up Tourney at the season's end.

"Listen, I wanted to ask you. I know I asked you to coronation and you said yes but...would you maybe be interested in going out with me later this afternoon?"

Belle nodded slightly and gave Ben a smile. "Good, she deserves to be asked without being put on the spot."

"It was definitely appreciated," Malinda chuckled.

Mal stilled, she definitely hadn't expected that—which now that she thought about it, she definitely should have at the very least. The boy was under a love spell for her dad's sake!

"No he's not!" Akiho said with a grin.

Malinda pinched the bridge of her nose and glared at Akiho. "I know that now. I didn't know that then."

I've never even been on a date before! There's no way Ben would actually enjoy himself...wait, why do I care? He's spelled. Wait, did he ever break up with Sleeping Brat? Mal thought, a bit of her irritation toward Chad coming out in her thoughts. Gods are all the guys in Auradon like this? Just jumping from girl to girl?

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