Chapter Sixty Five

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Claudine shook her head as she grabbed a scroll. Honestly, if you'd told her that she'd be in a room of the Fates, reading about the future with Henry and his crew along with a future version of Mal and Prince Ben...well she would have thought you were as insane as her brother was.

"Hold up...did more scrolls appear?" Mal asked, noticing the bigger pile.

"We're never getting out of here are we?" Uma sighed.

Henry chuckled. "Well maybe if you let Claudine read, that wouldn't be a possibility cap'ns."

"Fair point Henry," Mal chuckled.

While life seemed to be looking up in Auradon, with Leah being sent from its shores, life seemed to stay the same over on the Isle of the Lost.

"And that's not new," Celia said, shaking her head.

The days were still cloudy, the food still rotten.

"The food barges hopefully no longer a death trap every month?" Harry added.

While that might have been better than the alternative of things getting worse, it was still rather unpleasant.

"That's a valid point," Rowyn said softly.

Particularly for one Isle resident.

"Gee, I wonder who they could be talking about there?" Harriet shook her head.

"The spawn of Satan himself?" Harry scoffed.

"For the record, I'd like to just state again I know you all are going to insult Fred. Have at it," Claudine told them. "I bear no ill will for the insults."

Fred Frollo, or Freddy as he was mockingly called by Mal and her crew despite being three years older than Mal, stalked around the floor of his hideout.

"You know, I probably could have come up with a better nickname," Mal said. "Considering how other people get him and Freddie confused when we talk about them."

"In your defense Mali, you were five when you came up with his nickname," Uma stated.

It wasn't much, just a dilapidated church his father had tried to form but found that no one was attending.Such an activity had become a daily past time of his, so much so that his underlings had taken to clearing out of their haven to give him his privacy.

More like they didn't want to be used as target practice if Fred had his daggers on him, Claudine thought with a small sigh. Henry gently rubbed her back, having heard the sigh.

"How dare that little witch," he growled, strands of his jet black hair falling into his eyes as his hands balled into fists. "First she dares to show her face around the Isle after fleeing in disgrace to Boreadon and then taunts me by attending that coronation in Beastie Jr's. carriage?!"

"Taunting you?" Malinda scoffed. "I'll taunt you any day Freddy but Ben has nothing to do with it."

If he had been in a calmer state, Freddy might have wondered how he hadn't recognized the boy who had been with Mal and Jay as the Crown Prince of Auradon.

"Calmer? Or just an idiot?" Uma said, moving her hands like scales. "Tomato, tamato."

I mean, a change of clothes and a beanie could only change so much about a person.

"I do not agree with him, I do not agree with him," Hades muttered under his breath.

It must have been Mal's doing. She put a spell on Beast Jr. so that no one could realize who he was!

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