Chapter Seventy Five

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"So do scrolls always just randomly appear?" Sammy asked as she grabbed hers.

"Yep," Harriet nodded. "We've stopped trying to count how many are left."

Ben sighed as he walked over to the gym.

"So he's either looking for Uma or Jay and my money's on Uma," Chip said with a nod.

It was the best place to find Uma and right now, he needed to talk to her.

"Hah! I knew it!"

"No one bet against you Teacup," Lucas said, shaking his head.

He knew everyone changed, that was just a way of life. But Mal's request to not have the dragon nickname be used...well it honestly bothered him.

Malinda sighed. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to worry you," she whispered to Benji.

"Yeah well that's what happens with the people I love. I worry about them," Benji whispered back to her.

Uma would know if anyone was giving Mal a hard time about being a VK.

"Sadly the person who was seems to be the person Uma has no idea about," Neal said. "Or at the very least Uma doesn't know about everything that Natalie's doing."

They were practically glued to the hip ever since Uma got from the Isle, or at least that's how it seemed to Ben.

"Of course we are! I can't think of a reason why we wouldn't be together!" Uma said.

Note to self: make sure Uma never finds out that in my timeline, she's pretty much Mal's arch rival, Audie thought for what felt like the thousandth time.

Not that Ben blamed them. If he'd been separated from Chip for even a week, he'd be hard pressed to leave his side.

Chip grinned. "That implies I'd be leaving your side for any reason Benji."

Walking into the gym, he couldn't help but smile as he watched Uma and Harry once again go at it with swords.

"So your typical day with Harry and Uma then?" Sammy asked.

They truly were good at what they did.

"Why thank you Benny," Harry said with a grin.

"We do try," Uma nodded.

Though, as Harry once told him one of the first times Ben had seen them in action, they were pirates. They couldn't not be good at sword fighting otherwise how could they protect themselves and their crew?

CJ scoffed. "The crew can protect ourselves. What's the point of training us to be the best swords people on the Isle if we can never use it?"

The Isle was probably the most dangerous place in Auradon after all, and they had younger crew members to look out for.

Mulan sighed softly. These were teenagers, children in the eyes of the law, needing to prepare themselves to protect those younger than them because they weren't given the protection by adults.

Mal would have killed them if they let anything happen to Hadie while she was across the bridge.

Hadie shook his head. "You know I can handle myself right? You don't have to be so protective."

"Eh, humor me," Mal shrugged.

Plus, Harry was a Hook. They were practically pirate royalty after all. It would have been more alarming if he hadn't been good at swordplay.

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