Part 9

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One week later.

Today was the day Jo started back to work. After a very long yet joyful 8 weeks off. In the 8 weeks she had spent loads of time with Josh. She had looked after him a day he was ill and would watch movies with him. She picked him up every day from school in the weeks it was kates custody weeks to have him. She even took him to school every day after Josh called her his 'other mum'.

As it was marks custody week with Josh. Meaning her and Kate was able to fall asleep naked. She was also able to hug Kate properly now her cast had come off. Even though she would have to wear a sling in the day for the next 2 weeks.

So when she woke up to her alarm for this first time in 8 weeks with Kate in her arms she was able to wake her up the old way. She wiggled her self free and sat on kates waist and started peppering kisses along her chest then making her way up to her lips.

"Good morning" jo whispered against kates lips.
"Baby you are far to happy to be going back to work today" Kate complained.
"If that's how you see it" jo quirked her brow and she went to get off kates waist. But Kate gripped her girlfriends waist to stop her from moving.
"Noooo I'm sorry. Give me a.." Kate pucked her lips to finish the request.
"So you want me to kiss you even though it was you that was mean to me" jo questioned with a pout.
"Ugh fine then" Kate grunted.  She put all her strength into lifting Jo up and flipping them so that she was now sat on Jo's waist.  Once on top of bed she started to kiss Jo's face and in between kisses she exclaimed "I am so sorry my love" once she pulled away Jo couldn't help but smile at the cuteness within kates voice.
"Just so you know I am definitely not excited for work. I am excited for us to grow old together. I had a dream last night that we was in a living room I didn't recognise and we had kids running around. I was about shocked at first but then I realised they wasn't our kids. They was our grandkids" jo was bursting with excitement at the dream praying that the dream would come true one day. Kate stayed on top of Jo and with a big smile on her face and am she could do was kiss her.
" that sounds awesome baby. I would love for that to Happen but for today we need to get ready for your first day back at work"  Kate replied with a huge grin and she rolled off jo.

Once ready they set off to work. Jo was silent the whole drive to the station as all she could think about was the dream. She decked not to tell Kate about the part there where they was married and celebrating 45 years of marriage. As she wanted to be the person that asked her lover to marry her.

Once they got to the station she was pulled out of the thoughts when Kate placed a kiss on her temple. "Are you ready babe" Kate questioned.
"Yeah" she nodded "promise me you told them I don't want a big fuss or anything I just want to get back to being DCI on this case. Which you have done excellent job at whilst standing in for me"
Kate grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze before hopping out the car and grabbing the door for jo.

They walked though the station both reviving hellos until they went to Jo's off. "Right boss everything is as I left it. Give me a shout if you need anything for the case" Kate said loud enough for everyone to hear and she knew they would be ease dropping on then. "Text me if you wanna chat or if the shoulder hurts and I will help you" she whispered as she gave her a wink before going back to her desk.

Through the day they stole glances like they used to do and if jo needed help to sort out case files or send emails they would leave the door open To show that they wasn't up to anything funny.

In the afternoon then went to the evidence room where all the blinds was conveniently closed. They had been working without sharing any touches until jo had an itch she could reach on her bad shoulder.
"Kate can you just scratch my back for me" they wasn't in anyone's ear shot so she wasn't but she needed to keep as professional as possible if they are going to prove to their colleges they can be professional.
"Of course where is it" jo pointed in the direction of of her back and Kate got to scratching it for her. They stood side by side as they looked at the evidence in front of them.

Neither of them moved once Kate had got Jo's scratch. Neither of them finding an excuse to move Kate had even left her arm there forgetting they where at work. Until a DS walked in "oh sorry boss." He turned to leave but "no it's ok. Sorry we didn't even realise" jo apologised. As they scooted away from each other and Kate removed her arm.
"Don't apologise boss. Anyways we have a lead and I think it's worth going to have a look" the DS explained.
"Right. Bring everyone in here please." Jo asked as she went to the front of the room and nodded Kate to stand next to her. Once everyone is in the room she stated "right so I'm on desk duty for a few more weeks so DI Fleming will be in charge when I'm not able to still." Everyone nodded but Jo noticed her co workers giving each other looks. When she realised this was the first time their co workers had seen them together since she got shot.
"Right this is your chance to get it off your chest. Any questions for me and Kate. And don't act like you don't have any." The Scottish woman questioned.
One of the PC put their hand up and asked.
"How long have you seen together?"
"5 months and 2 weeks since we made it official" jo answered.
"Do you live together?" Another asked
"Yes. Next" Kate answered.
"Have you said I love you?"
"Yes and it was me that said it first" jo answered and with that everyone gave a big "ooooooo"
"Right last question" Kate laughed at their response.
"Who asked who out?"
"Jo asked me to be her girlfriend" Kate answered. She looked over that Jo who had a big smile on her face at the fact that 5 months ago her planned work.

"Right we have wasted enough time talking about our love life. If you think of any questions it's to late. Either stalk us on social media or listen to gossip" Jo laughed with everyone's as she said it. "Now go follow that lead!"
Once everyone had left the room Kate tired to jo with a smile and said "you definitely set that up to show off you asked me"
"No I did not DI Fleming now go do your job" jo said with a pout
"Ok what ever I don't believe you." To which jo shook her head at.
"I love you. And please be safe"
"I love you too. I will call you when it's done." Kate promises as she leaned in for a quick kiss that no one would notice and went to track their lead.

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