Part 22

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2 months later.

It was a Saturday and The family of four had finally moved into there forever home. As Kate called it. Josh had painted and decorated it how he wanted as promised but him mums and Freya finally had her own room as well. The women had gone for a pastel purple for the wall. But kept everything else natural tones and colours.

The pair had woken up in their new bed. Both decided to buy a new mattress as Kates was old and second hand. Kate was curled into Jo's chest for once which jo loved. jo was the first of them awake she started to massage and run her hand through Kates short brown hair. As Kate began to wake up Kate pressed kisses on Jo's chest over her t shirt. "Hi" Kate whispered as she pressed a final kiss to Jo's lips. "Hi" jo smiled as Kate nuzzled into jo. "Baby do we have to my school reunion tonight?" Kate complained. As she nuzzled her nose deeper into Jo's chest. "Babe it will be fun and you know it will. They even said to bring any children. So that means not only do you get so show me off you get to show off the kids as well". Jo said seriously but also had a big grin on her face. "I did promise I would show you off when me finished that case didn't I" Kate replied picking her head up out of Jo's chest to look into her eyes. "Yes you did. Until I got shot later that day". Jo said cringing at the memory. "Don't remind me babe" Kate whispered as she placed a kiss to Jo's shoulder. "Though you did get a pretty sexy scar out of it" Kate laughed. "Get lost" jo giggled as she gave Kate a nudge.
"Giz a kiss" Kate smirked as she lifted her head and puckered her lips. "And you say having two kids kills the romance" jo snarked and pecked Kate on the lips.

Kate josh and jo was all sat watching the end of a movie when Kate turned to jo. And asked "who's going food shopping". "Ughhh I don't mind." Jo replied. They both did a knowing glance and turned to josh. "Oh fine you know the drill." He complained abs they got into the positions. "Rock, paper... scissors shoot"  they did there think and Kate lost meaning she was doing the dreaded food shop.

Bye the time Kate had returned. Josh abs jo was lay on the sofa curled up with Freya lay on top on Jo's chest. So she put away the shopping picked Freya up off Jo's chest and started to get the little girl fed and changed before she joined her family on the sofa with Freya still in her arms. She sat there until jo woke up. She saw Kate abs gave her a smile before giving josh a kiss on his head. "Joshy wake up we need to get ready for the party" jo spoke as she combed her fingers through his hair. Josh just nodded his head and buried his head further into he neck.
"Baby come on me and mum need to get dressed and you get to wear your suit" she whispered. "Mmm ok" he smiled.

The family of four got ready and arrived just on time for the party. Jo was in a short pastel purple dress that hugged jo in all the right places according to Kate. Kate was in a blouse with a blazer and tight checkered trousers. Josh was in wearing some jeans with a shirt and tie and finally Freya was dressed in a dress with a bow on her head that in joshes worlds made her look "proper cute".

They was sat in the car just about to walk into the party when jo turned to her love and smiled before she grabbed her hand and brought in to her lips and kissed her knuckles. "Remember we can leave when you want" jo smiled. "I know. Let's get this done with" Kate smiled back and gave jo a soft peck on the lips.
"Your not going to do that all night are you" josh complained. "Mum do you remember those days when we would kiss and josh would just smile or ask for one him self" jo jokingly questioned. "Those where the good days mama" Kate laughed back. "Can we just go to the party." Josh rolled his eyes.

The three of the got out the car and Kate grabbed the baby carrier with Freya still in it. They all walked in with jo holding joshes hand and was immediately greeted by one of her better friends from school. "Kate hi." The woman said enthusiastically. "Hi Claire" Kate smiled awkwardly. "Errr this is my fiancée jo, and our son josh and this little one is Freya"  Kate introduced them all josh gave her a kind smile and hid behind Jo's hand had jo just smiled and said hello. The other woman introduced her husband and they all walked over to a table to sit at. They all sit chatting and Claire was telling all of Kate embarrassing school story's to Jo.

Kate had nipped to the bathroom and was stood re applying her lipstick when someone walked out the stall. She felt shocked as she made eye contact with the woman through the mirror. "Kate hi it's so good to see you again" The woman said. "Hi Alice." She smiled before going back to the memory of their relationship at school until Alice had outed Kate and bullied her. "How have you been?" Alice questioned. "Oh you know" Kate simply replied not looking at the woman. "I heard you had come with a friend tonight and her kids" Alice smiled. "Well she's my fiancée and they are our kids." Kate smiled at the thought of them. "Oh that's a shame I was hoping you was single because I've never forgot about those kisses we shared" Alice confessed as she stood behind Kate. Kate turned around to make a leave when the other woman pushed Kate backwards and placed her lips on Kates. Just has Kate was about to push the woman away not even wanting the woman hear her she heard someone shout.
"What the Fuck is happening here then!"

Kate finally pushed Alice away to see it was jo staring at them with her arms crossed and a angry look on her face.

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