Part 40

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Jo was now 10 weeks pregnant and she was starting to experience the morning sickness but as Kate has started to call it the 'all day and night sickness'. It was currently dinner time on a Tuesday and jo was sat in her office trying not be be sick. She had asked Kate to lead all the meetings because she wasn't feeling well enough for it.

It was nearly dinner time for the two women so Kate made them both a cup of Tea. Making sure to do a ginger tea for jo to try and settle her stomach. After making the tea Kate went to annoy her wife on their dinner break. She knocked on the door. Jo quickly looked up and smiled before nodding her wife in.

"How are you feeling babe" Kates asked whilst pulling jo up so she could pull the woman into her lap. " I keep feeling queezy but nothing has actually come up yet" jo said as she sipped her tea. "I'm sorry baby. I will tell them off when we get in bed later. For making mama feel so ill" Kate grinned as she wrapped her arms around jo and placed them on Jo's still flat stomach. "Kate you can't tell our unborn child off. No one even knows about them and your getting them in trouble" jo laughed. "I can't be having my rock be ill for 10 months me and the kids will fall apart" Kate whispered into Jo's ear as she pressed a kiss behind her ear. "You would survive" jo laughed as she turned her head to look at Kate. "No I wouldn't. Your the love of my life and the mother of my kids. There is no way I could" Kate replied seriously. "Kate 1 my emotions you know they are every where 2 you would do it when I'm bloated and feeling it because you love the kids to much not to." Jo smiled as she held her hand on top of the short headed woman's hands on her stomach. "You make me a good mum. Your the reason me and josh get on so well now and it's all because of you." Kate confessed. "I love you Kate" "I love you too baby" Kate smiled and kissed jo. "Right Fleming as lovely as this has been. Get back to work please I've already not done enough work today" jo smirked as she stood up. "Yes boss. Text me if you are ill ok" Kate smiled as she pecked Jo's lips. "I will don't worry. Now go please and do some work" jo laughed and pushed the woman out of the door.  "Yes ma'am but can I have my cuppa back?" Kate joked. "No make one that's actually warm." Jo laughed. "Fine" Kate sarcastically and playfully rolled her eyes.

Later on in the day jo was still sat in her office when she heard a knock on the door. She looked up thinking it would be Kate but saw files in Chris with his hand. And she nodded him in. "Boss I have found a like to a possible suspect." Jo nodded for him to carry on but suddenly started to feel sick and before she knew it she was throwing up into the bin next to her. "Boss are you ok" Chris asked as he went over to the woman to pull her hair out of her face. Before texting Kate to come to the room. When Kate walked into the office she was kick to take over from Chris in holding her hair back and was rubbing her back. Once jo has finished throwing up jo pulled jo up and started to rub her back. "Boss are you sure your ok?" Chris asked then noticed Kates hand on Jo's stomach which made his eyes widen. "Wait hang on. Jo you've been ill for a couple of weeks now and Kate you have been very protective. Are you two you know?" Chris questioned. Which made jo and Kate give and worried look to each other. "Chris promise you won't say anything. Even the kids don't know" Kate begged. "Don't worry I won't on one condition" Chris grinned. "What?" Jo said worriedly. "I get to set a bet on the gender when you can tell people" the man said "you have your self a deal. The short hair woman laughed. "What Kate. You can't get on our child." Jo protested. "Watch me Fleming watch me" Kate laughed as she kissed Jo's cheek and left the room with Chris.

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