Part 17

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2 weeks later

It was early hours in the morning and both jo and Kate had been called into work on a suspected lead in their case.  "Babe what about josh?" Jo asked.
"I'm gonna call Steve and ask him to watch josh" Kate said as she got her phone out. She got on the phone and Steve said he will look after josh. So jo went to his room to wake him up whilst Kate got dressed.
"Buddy we need to take you to uncle Steve's. Me and mum need to go to work" jo said whilst gently shaking his shoulder. "Ok" josh whispered. Jo got his dressing gown and slippers. He stood up as jo helped him into his dressing gown before picking him up and meeting Kate at the front door.
"Ready baby?" Kate questioned.
"Yeah I think so. He is sound asleep again"  jo replied.

They made there way to Steve's which was on the way to the hill. Dropped josh off before going straight to the station. As they pulled up Kate turned to jo with a sad smile before saying "I love you" and jo replied back with a "love you too" before they shared a quick peck. They made they way into the office where everyone was stood waiting.
"Right everyone has their assigned cars. I need my vest and we are out of here" jo demanded as her and Kate got their vest. On there way there PC filled them in. That it was a raid for drugs which could be a big lead into their investigation.

Once they got there they sent out their orders and the armed forces went to the flat. They heard shouts for jo to enter the flat. She went in with Kate following behind. They was greeted by a empty flat with nothing but a cot with a baby crying in it. Jo and Kate ran over to the cot where jo picked the baby up and started to cuddle it and bounce it. "Get the ambulance crew up here now" Kate demanded. The officers ran out the room leaving Kate and Jo alone with the baby.
"This poor baby" jo said with tears in her eyes.
"Kate I can't leave them. Not until we know what is happening" jo stated as tears came out her eyes. "Hey it's ok baby we won't we can stay with them until we find out what can happen." Kate said as she wrapped her arm around jo and kissed her temple.

The ambulance crew assessed the baby. Finding that it was malnourished and needs to go to hospital so Jo went with the ambulance crew with Kate promising Jo she will close the scene and get to the hospital as soon as possible.

Once cornering off and clearing the crime scene. Kate got in the car and started to drive to the hospital. She gave Steve a call and asked if josh could stay for the day and Steve agreed saying he was going to meet up with Ted and take them to the park.

Once she got to the hospital she asked the receptionist where to go and went to the right ward. When she got there she saw jo feeding the baby as she walked in. "Hi baby. Hi little one" Kate smiled as she pressed a kiss to Jo's lips and joined her on the bed.
"Have they said what will happen to them?" Kate questioned.
"I think the social services will be coming soon and probably put in the care system." Jo said with tears forming in her eyes.
"What wrong babe"
"I can't put her into the care system Kate. I was in care my self and it was hell." Jo sad as she started to cry. Kate pulled her into the chest being careful of the eating baby.
"Hey I know it might abit soon in our plans for a bigger family but if the social let's us why don't we look after her. Either until they find a better home or foster her or even adopt." Kate whispered against Jo's hair.
Jo looked up at her with hopeful eyes.
"You would adopt her?" Jo said with hopeful eyes.
"Only if you want to and the socials let us."
"I would love to raise this baby with you." Jo smiled.
"Baby don't get your hopes up Incase they don't let us have her ok." Kate said
"I won't. Do you want to hold her?" Jo asked.
Kate nodded and took the baby into her arms.
"Do they know how old she is?" Kate asked
"Well they said no older than a couple of days old. And the nurse that is looking after her recognised the birth mark she has on her leg from a baby that she helped give birth to the other day. So yeah" jo smiled as she put her finger towards the baby's hand who grabbed hold of it straight away.

"She is so small and almost as beautiful as you my darling." Jo whispered.
"I love you" Kate smiled
"I love you too" jo replied as she lent in for a soft kiss.
Their kiss was interrupted by one of the social workers that walked into the room. "Oh sorry" the woman smiled. "No we are sorry" Kate smiled. Yet did not move from her position lay on the bed and neither did jo next to her.
"Well I'm Steph it's a pleasure to meet you both" Steph smiled as she reached to shake each of their hands.
"And this must be the baby everyone's been talking about" the social worker smiled.
"Yeah. We wasn't sure on her name and didn't want to get ahead of our selves" Kate laughed.
"Right well. We haven't been able to track down the biological parents and the wouldn't be able to have custody of the child now due to leaving them on her own so I think. The baby will be going into the system until we can find a suitable home for them." Steph said seriously.
"What if there was already a family willing to adopt her?" Jo questioned.
"Well they will need to have a background check first and a home visit. Why do you ask?" The woman questioned.
"Me and Jo want to adopt her. We already have a son. We heave just had the deposit on a house accepted. We are both high ranked police officers. Well she is" jo laughed at the last part and Kate smiled.
"Well like I said we will need to do background checks and a home visit as well as checking police files. But I don't see why not." Steph smiled.
"Ok. Well we can arrange it to be done as soon as possible. And as for the police thing we should be fine." Kate joked.
"Right well the nurses informed me that this little one will have to spend at least a few days in here to get fixed up so I will arrange for your checks to be done as soon as possible" Steph smiled. "It's good meeting you both. Not many people would do what you two are doing." "Good to meet you too" jo smiled. As Steph left the room. "Are we having a baby?" Kate giggled. "I think we have had one babe" jo laughed back. Suddenly jo because serious as she looked at Kate. "What if the AC-12 stuff effects this? What is me being with the toxic woman effects.... Kate I was investigating because of her. I nearly got done for corruption" jo said worriedly.
"Yeah and you didn't" Kate smiled.
"I'm sure Steve and The gaffer will help us with that if they even think it's a problem." Kate smiled kissing the top of Jo's head still holding the baby. "Ok.... what are we going to call her?" Jo though out loud. "Mmmm i don't know baby have you got any thoughts" Kate replied back.
"What about July?" Jo questioned.
"Baby she was born a few days after Christmas she can't be named after the bloody summer" Kate laughed. Jo slapped her shoulder and mumbled "no swearing in front of the kids"
"Yes boss sorry boss" Kate laughed.
"Stop with the boss or I'm taking her off you" jo teased back.
"Technically we are still on shift babe"
"True. What about Freya" jo smiled.
"That's an amazing name.... hi Freya. I'm your mummy. And this is your other mummy" Kate smiled. "What if we changed me to mama" jo questioned. "It's what I used to call my mum before she died." Jo confessed.
"I think it's perfect. And at least we won't get mixed up with Josh when he says he loves mums hugs the most." Kate said
"Kate be real we both know he is talking about me." Jo laughed and Kate could not argue with that. "Talking of our son we should call him and tell him to come to the hospital to meet his sister." Kate announced. As she pulled her phone out. And found Steve's number. "Ay up mate. Yeah we are both fine. Yeah come to the hospital wake 216 room 4 and you will see..... is Josh there we want to talk to him." Kate turned the phone on speaker as they heard a "hello" though the phone. "Hi mate." Kate smiled. "What's wrong is mum ok?" "I'm fine mate. You had a good day with uncle Steve and uncle Ted?" Jo answered. "Yeah. Where are you?"
"Well you will find out. As soon as you get here." Kate replied. "Josh when you get here there is no need to worry ok. Me and mum are safe and well ok" jo said seriously. "Ok love you both." Josh said happily. "Love you too" they both said at the same time. "See you soon" Kate replied as she put the phone down.

"I hope he is happy about this" Kate said out loud after thinking. "I'm sure he will be the best big brother ever" jo smiled. "Well I mean he likes you sooooo" Kate said with a cheeky smile. "Your lucky you have our daughter in your arms lady" jo replied.
"I'm the luckiest to have my two favourite girls in my arms." Kate smiled.

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