Part 32

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Today was the two women's first days back full time. Meaning Freya was now going to stay Rachel whilst her mums was at work. And neither woman would be able to pick josh up from school. Kate had woken up first to the alarm so she decided to wake jo up her own way. She snuck out of bed and walked to fetch Freya who was already wake and staring up in her cot she kiss then walked into josh room and placed a kiss on his head and whispered "josh come wake mama up with me" the boy woke up with a smile on his face and jumped out of bed before getting Thor from the bottom of His Bed and ran into the women's room where he placed the dog on the bed and then jumped on the bed him self. Jumping on top of jo.

"Good morning mama" josh shouted as he placed a kiss on the woman check before getting off her so that Kate could place freya on her chest. Where the little girl smiled at the older woman showing off her new teeth. "Good morning my prince and good morning my princess" jo smiled as she placed a kiss on Freya's head before Turing to give josh a kiss. "Oh and morning my queen" jo giggled and Kate leaned over for there morning kiss. "Josh do you want to go get ready for school. I will make some breakfast soon." Kate smiled as she kissed his head and played with his hair.

"Good morning baby"  Kate whispered as she moved over to kiss jo again. "Morning" the older woman smiled. "No it's morning your majesty" Kate laughed. "Get lost" jo laughed back. "Ugh can't believe we have to leave her today" Kate complained as she stroked Freya's back. "Right as much as I hate to say it. Let get to work mrs Fleming" jo complained as she got out of bed.

The women managed to stay their new routine off to a good start. The took josh to school before dropping Freya off at Kates mums before getting to the hill on time. They was sat in the car when jo turned to Kate "right then DCI Fleming you ready for this?" "Yes boss" the short haired woman smiled as she kissed Jo's knuckles. "Can I be there when you tell Chris he is getting promoted?" Kate questioned as they walked into the building. "If you can go the whole morning without coming into my office to annoy me then yes you can" jo giggled as they walked into the office. "Morning everybody. Team meeting at 9 please guys." Jo announced before Kate could complain about her joke. She then walked into her personal office and shut the door behind her. Kate was about to walk into her new office for just her self when Chris walked behind her and asked how the honeymoon was which lead to them having a 30 minute Catch up.

A few hours later it was time for the team meeting. "Right everyone. Kate and I are both back." Jo announced which got a cheer from their colleagues. "I know the OCG shit about buckles was abit if a shock. But we need to put that behind us. I'm sure you are all aware that I have been made DSI so that means Kate will be a permanent DCI" which again got a cheers from the squad. "Yes as DSI Fleming said the buckles thing was a shock but guys let's go catch our killer. Because I want a week off with the kids and my wife already" Kate announced which got a laugh from everyone. To which everyone was dismissed. 

"If you hadn't have said I cannot annoy you until 12 I so would be making out with you in you office right now" Kate said once everyone has left the room. "Well that's a shame isn't it " jo laughed. "I can't help that my wife's ass looks bloody amazing in her trousers" Kate complained. As she lent over and gave Jo's bum a squeeze. "Sorry Fleming but you chose to marry her" jo laughed as she walked out the room.

It was later on in the day when jo was going to tell Chris about his promotion. So she sent a text to Kate saying *come on then baby let's tell Chris. Call him in my office for me please xxx* jo didn't have to wait long until she got a message back saying *only if I get to sit with you for abit after. I miss you xxx* jo laughed at the message and looked at the women through window and gave her a wink.

Kate quickly stood up from her chair and called Chris into the office. "Alright boss. Is everything ok?" Chris question. Both Kate and jo was leaning against the desk. "Right then Chris" jo said with a serious tone as Kate crossed her arms. "We may not tell you this but you have been our rock though our maturity leave. And since Kate is no longer a DI we thought that you should get promoted." Jo said with a smile on her face. "Wow guys I don't know what say." Chris replied with a smile on his face. "Well how about thanks and a big yes to coming over to ours for a few drinks at the weekend with us and them lot from AC-12 for my darling wife's birthday." Kate replied. "I will only say yes if the kids are there because I've missed spending my diners with Freya." The man smiled. "You are so sad" jo laughed. "Right then DI Lomax get back to work please" Kate laughed. "Yes boss." The man smiled and shut the door behind him.

"Baby go do some work and close your blinds I will make us both a cuppa" jo smiled "yes boss" Kate replied. As she went to leave jo squeezes Kates butt and said "that's for earlier" before walking out the door to take a cuppa for then both.

Jo walked into Kates office to find her on FaceTime with her mum. "Is that Jo" the older woman asked as she put their mugs down. "Hi Rachel is Freya being good for you?" Jo questioned as she stood behind Kate. "Yes she is perfect. I best leave you both to it. See you guys later." "Bye mum don't forget about josh. He will kill you if you even a second late" Kate reminded the woman. "Kate I do know how to look after my grandchildren" Rachel teased before she put the phone down. Once Kate placed her phone on the desk jo was quick to jump into the other woman's lap and place a kiss on her lips. "Can we go back to maternity leave. I miss spending the whole day with you freya and josh" jo complained. "Same baby" Kate replied as she kissed the woman's nose. "Looks like we are going to have to have another baby at some point soon" jo said not realising what she had said. "I know. How about in September we will discuss it properly" Kate replied. "Do you mean that?" Jo questioned. "Yeah babe I mean Freya will be one before they born and well neither of us are getting younger." Kate said with a grin on her face. "One call me old one more time and I will fire you second it sound perfect my love" jo replied. "That's it then." Kate smiled. As she went to get a drink of her cuppa before spitting it back into the cup. "You could have told me it was the wrong one" Kate complained. "Call it pay back for calling me old babe" jo laughed.

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