Part 14

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3 days later

Today was the day jo was going to go see Farida in prison.  She didn't want to go but knew she would have to tell her face to face that she needs to get over her. So she and Kate drove to the prison.

"I don't think I can do this" jo whispered once Kate had pulled up
"You can remember what we said last night. The sooner you do this the sooner we get to live the rest of our lives." Kate said as she grabbed Jo's hand and started playing with her ring.
"Yes. Together. Me, you, josh, Thor." Jo replied
"Oi don't forget the future kids" Kate laughed
"Until I met you I never thought I would have kids. Then you brought josh into my life and now the thought of having more with you is an amazing feeling baby" Jo said as she pulled Kate in for a kiss.
"Me to babe I never thought I would want more kids until I met you. Then you touched my hand that day at the station and changed my life forever"  Kate smiled.
"I wasn't even flirting that day" jo laughed.
"It was your turtle neck that did it babe"
"Shut up. Right I best get this done with."
"Ok. I love you. Be strong" Kate pressed her lips against Jo's lips
"I love you too". She murmured back.
"Baby remember what ever happens me and Josh will always love you" Kate smiled

Jo got out the car and into the entrance of the prison.  She told them who she was there to see and went through security and sat at a table. She could help put twist the ring on her finger. Which was a habit she had already picked up since Kate put it on her finger. Whilst waiting all and could think was the word Kate told her 'together. Me, Josh, Thor my fiancée and our future kids' which put a big smile on her face.

She heard a buzz coming from the doors and saw her ex walking into the room. Jo didn't even stand up to greet her. She just smiled and waited for Farida to sit down.
"It's so good to see you" Farida smiled
"Mmm" Jo just nodded and started playing with her ring again.
"How have you been?" Farida asked.
Jo knew this was her chance.
"Amazing actually the best Ive ever Been. Ive got a dog called Thor and I'm getting married" she said as she showed the ring. "I have a son, well step son, I'm looking to by a house big enough for any future kids. So yeah."
Farahs face dropped at Jo's statement.
"Oh right. I thought you was here for the reason I hoped." She confessed
"Look I'm here to tell you to stop contacting me. I'm happy. And I know you never loved me I heard you in the toilet they day you got arrested what you said about me. You need to stop asking me to visit every week because I need to cut you out my life. I have a family and a future. I almost died and instead of not caring about the outcome all I could think about was my family."
"Your dating that piece of shit Kate Fleming aren't you?" Farida snarled.
"It doesn't matter who I'm with as long as it's not you" jo replied he sound defensive of her fiancée.
"Why you getting married to her? Does she make you feel good? Has she let you get attached to the boy so that she can dump him on you? Has she even made it call you mum?"
All jo could do it laugh.
"So what if she does. It will still be the happiest 10 months of my life if she dumps me tomorrow. And yes he does call me mum because I hug him when he's upset. I have a secret handshake with him because why not. We cook together.  I kiss him goodnight, we play together. We go on walks as a family and he insisted on holding my hand. We tell each other we love each other when he goes to his dads. So yes he calls me mum"
Farida laughs at what jo says. "You told me you hated kids. Now you are treating some random kid like you like him."
"People change Farida. I changed after I got out our toxics relationship. I got with My fiancée. Who I wasn't shagging behind your back by the way. But I was the day after you accused me of it." Jo smiled. Thinking of her first kiss with Kate.
"In fact if you didn't walk in the toilets that day I think we would have been shagging and few hours sooner"
Farida had nothing left to say to jo after that comment so she stood up and said "enjoy your sad little life"
"Enjoy yours in jail. And if you try to contact me one more time. Don't forget I know people in here" jo smiled as she stood up and left the room.

She walked back to Kate with a big smile.
"Hi baby" jo smiled as she got in the car.
"I guess it went well then" Kate smiled back as she gave jo a quick peck on the lips.
"I think she is out my life for good now babe"
"Good what did she say"
"Oh you know. You don't love me. Your going to leave me. Your using me to dump josh on me. I hate kids, I won't be a good mum because I said I don't like kids when we are together. Everything I expected."  Jo replied trying not to show she was hurt
"Oh baby. Come here" Kate said as she pushed her chair back for jo to sit on her lap.
"I love you. Everything she said is a lie do you hear me. I am not going to leave you. Or dump josh on you and leave. Anyways I love Thor to much to ever leave our family" Kate confessed as she stroked Jo's hair. as jo rolled her eyes at Kates last comment.
"I know you won't it's just upsetting to hear. The worst thing I thought of when she said you would dump josh on me. The first thing I thought was at one it wouldn't be dumping because he's my kid so you can't do that if it's your own kid and the second was what would happen if anything happened to you. Like would mark still let me see him. Would he still live with me. Would he still call me mum?"
"I think I know the answer to the last one which is a big fat yes. But the rest I think josh will make mark let him see you. And if you are still worried then I'm going to ask mark to settle on a custody agreement that puts you legally downs as your son." Kate replied.
"What you want me to adopt josh?" Jo asked.
"If you want to then yes. Like you said he is your kid. He calls you mum. You tuck him in bed at night. Play with him. Cook with him. Comfort him when he's upset and you take him and pick him up from school."
"You don't know how much it means to me to hear you say that my love" jo smiled as he buried her face into Kates hair. "And of course I want to adopt him if mark will let me."
"I think josh will convince him baby" Kate said with a smile. "Shall we get home baby. I was looking though my camera roll whilst waiting and saw a few pictures you sent me when we first started to date. And I'm so horny for you"
"Your an actual teenager babe" jo laughed as she kissed the sensitive  spot behind Kates ear.
"What can I say. When your girlfriend is as hot as mine you can't help your self. Kate joked
"I think you will find it is actually fiancée DI Fleming"
"I do apologies DCI Fleming to be" Kate said with a grin on her face.

The women went home and spent their night making love and Kate reassuring her what an amazing woman she is.

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