Part 21

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Today was Kate and Jo's one year anniversary.
Jo woke up lay half on top of Kate with their limbs intertwined. It was the first time that night she had woke up naturally and not from Freya's cry's. After remembering what day it is she started peppering kisses over Kates face. "Good morning baby" she whispered against Kates lips. "Good morning my love" Kate murmured with a slight rasp in her voice. "Happy one year baby" jo smiled pressing a final kiss to Kates lips. "Happy anniversary. I can't believe it's been a year since we made us official" Kate whispered pulling jo to be lay on top of her.  "I wonder how we could celebrate" jo replied as she moved her hands up Kates T-shirt. "Mmmm a quickie before the kids wake up. We do take romance to the next level" Kate said sarcastically. "Are you gonna kiss me or what Fleming." Jo questioned.
"Yes boss sorry boss"  Kate replied before kissing jo not letting her tell her off. Just as Kates hands made their way under Jo's long shirt to the place she wanted her the most. They heard the door creek open. "Mum. Mama! Happy anniversary" josh announced has he jumped on the bed. Jo couldn't help but show her disappointment by letting her head drop to her fiancées chest and went to roll of Kate. But Kate used her strength to keep her there by placing her hands on Jo's bare bum under the sheets and gave it a squeeze.
"Thanks mate" jo smiled "why are you awake so early Josh?" Kate questioned him with a yawn. "I'm not We've got to leave for school in 10 minutes" he simply replied. Both women went wide eyed until they noticed he was dressed in him uniform. "Have you had some breakfast. No I came in here to ask you to reach me the cereal" he smiled whilst he lay on the bed. "Yeah I will get it in a min just let us get dressed and I will be out and then take you to school" Kate replied.
Josh nodded and hopped of the bed to go watch tv. "Well that was a close one" jo laughed as she picked her head off of Kates chest. "I know right. You stay in bed and I will join you as soon as I'm back from taking Josh to school" Kate said as she placed a kiss to Jo's lips.
"I do love you" jo smiled as she placed a kiss to Kates jaw. "Right come on your gonna have to get off me if I'm going to take our son to school" Kate laughed.
"Ugh just one more second" jo complained. "Nope you get mad at me when we get messages saying he's late again" Kate giggled as she pinched Jo's bum and lifted her off her chest. She got out of bed and slipped on some joggers and a hoodie that she isn't quite sure if it's hers or Jo's anymore. Then got hold of Thor and placed him on the bed. "Go annoy mummy" Kate laughed as the dogs started licking Jo's face.

Kate managed to get Josh to school on time before she retired home and walked straight to her bedroom. She was greeted by Naked jo with Freya asleep on her chest. So Kate gently picked freya up off Jo's chest and placed her in her basket and gave her a kiss on the head. Before jumping into bed and spending the rest of Freya's sleep sharing passionate kisses.

After lunch The women had planned to take Freya into work for the afternoon to meet their colleges as Chris had messaged them begging to hold her. So they both got dressed into 'actual clothes' as jo called them. Kate was wearing a designer jumper and some blue skinny jeans and jo was wearing a T-shirt with her leather jacket and black skinny jeans. Both women had decided to wear make up today as well.

Once they pulled up outside the hill Kate took a deep breath before looking at her love. "You ready baby" she smiled. "I mean it's not like we will be working" jo giggled
"I know but still. I wonder if they let the temp have your office" Kate questioned.
"If they did im gonna be swinging hooks" jo said seriously but had a massive grin in her face. "Course you will baby" Kate laughed as she leaning in for a kiss.

Once out the car Kate got Freya's car seat out the car and they linked hands as they walked into the office. Once they walked through the doors Chris was the first to greet them. "Boss it's so good to see you" he smiled and brought jo into a hug. "Other boss" he smiled then bent down to look at Freya and smiled. Kate put the car seat down and picked Freya up. She rested her on her arm and announced "everybody. This is Freya. You will all get to hold her but Chris called first hold the other day when we saw him at the shop." Kate laughed at the last part and passed their baby over to him. Kate turned to jo and ask "do you want a cuppa?"
"Would love one that's babe" jo smiled back and was about to lean in for a kiss before she stopped herself remembering they are at work.

"So have you given away my office?" Jo asked Chris whist Kate was off talking to other people with Freya. "Nahhh the temp works from home and when he does come in he sits over there" Chris replies as he points to a random desk. "Good didn't want to take Freya in there when she needs her feed and all my photos have moved. " jo smiled.
"No one has been in there since you got your vest that day. I made sure of it. In fact I did you in to find a file and I emptied your coffee mug" Chris joked.

The two women stood chatting to people until freya started crying. "Right everyone get back to work whilst we sort this monkey out" jo announced. Everyone got straight back to work as the couple walked into the office. Jo started to feed Freya as Kate shut the blinds and sat in Jo's chair. "Come sit" she pouted as she patted her leg. Jo obligated and curled into her chest with Freya in her arms.

Once Freya was Finished feeding and burping Kate kissed Jo's hair and let out a sigh. "Hey what's up?"  Jo whispered. "I was thinking. A year ago at this very moment we was sat in this very same position and you changed my life for ever." "Awww baby" jo replied. "If you told me a year ago I would be sat here with our daughter in your arms and I have a stable relationship with josh. As well as planning our wedding for 6 months time and we was moving into our dream house in a months time I would have been shocked. Kate explained. "I know. Even us getting married I didn't except so soon. I had planned on proposing to you today. In this very position but you couldn't wait." Jo confessed with a little giggle.
"I'm sorry I fell so in love with you that I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life as soon as possible" Kate murmured as she started pressing kisses to Jo's hair.
"We are such a lesbian couple" jo laughed as she turned her head to place kisses to Kates lips. Both women sat there cuddled together for a while until they saw the time and went to pick Josh up from school. So they bid a farewell to their colleagues before setting off to pick Josh up.

"Hi Mate" jo greeted him at the school gates.
"Hi mama" he replied. Just as they was about to leave the teacher caught her attention and she walked over to her. "Hi I'm Mrs Goodmand. I don't think we have met before Mrs Fleming". "No i don't think we have and please call me Jo."
"Ok jo well I just wanted to let you know how well Josh is doing. He is working so hard and is getting the highest grades in the class. Haven't you Josh." Mrs goodman said to Josh.
Josh simply nodded his head and hid his face in Jo's hand that he was holding.
"That's amazing buddy. I think we should try and get mum to buy us ice cream tonight to celebrate." Jo said to Josh as she knelt down to his level. "Yaaaay" he cheered "is mum and Freya in the car?" He questioned. "Yes mate."
"Awww Josh hasn't stopped talking about he new sister he muse be a very good big brother" Josh teacher butted in.
"He's the best." Jo replied. "Thank you for letting me know about how well Josh is doing. I will be sure to tell Kate." Jo smiled and she walked off with Josh pulling her along wanted to see his brother.

It was later that night and jo and Kate was cuddled up in bed. When she turned to look at Kate and spoke "joshes teacher called me Mrs Fleming earlier and I didn't even try to tell her she was wrong" jo hid her face getting shy at what she said. Kate just smiled and rolled jo onto her back before laying on top of her. "I can not wait for you to be Mrs Fleming babe" Kate smiled as she stated to kiss Down Jo's body leading them to finishing that they started earlier that morning.

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