Part 15

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One week later. It was a few days for Christmas and it was Kates turn to have Josh on Christmas Day so she and Jo was going to go pick up up from marks before spending the whole week together.

"Babe you best come with me or he won't be happy" Kate smiled as she went to pull jo out of bed.
"I know I'm just so tired."
"I'm not being the one to tell him  mum was to tired to pick him up"
"Fine but we are nipping to Tesco to buy some ice cream on the way home." Jo smiled as she stood up got dressed in grey joggers and a hoodie and wrapped her arms around Kate. Before they both walked out the door to see their son.

The women drove to marks and picked josh up. As soon as they pulled up the door flew open. And he ran to the car where the women was getting out to greet him. He ran straight to jo and gave her a hug. He picked him up and gave him a kiss in the cheek.

"Did you have a good day mate?" Jo questioned
He nodded yes and nuzzled his nose into Jo's neck.
"Am I invisible? Where is my hug?" Kate questioned.
"Mum give better hugs than you mum" josh answered. Kate just laughed and looked and mark to find a serious look on his face.
"You two get in the car I'm just gonna talk to dad" Kate said and she walked over to him.
"Mark are you ok"
"Yeah I think josh should live with you permanently and he comes to visit me on the odd weekend." He replied
"What why."
"Well it's obvious that he loves you and her more. And well the mrs is pregnant. So I think it will be better for us all."
"Are you sure about this mark?"
"Yeah I want you and jo to have full custody of him. Just promise you will get him to call me often and he can see me at weekends and in the school holidays. "
"Yeah of course. Right see you later. Looks like your mrs wants you." She replied as she saw marks girlfriend stood in the window.
"Looks like yours does too" he joked as they looked at jo who was smiling through the window. "Congrats on the rings as well" he smiled "cheers mate back at you on the baby as well" she smiled and pulled him in for a quick hug. "Right best be off promised her I will buy them ice cream tonight" they both laughed and went their separate ways. 

Once she got in the car she put her belt on and announced "who wants ice cream."
Both jo and josh shouted "yessss".
Kate smiled as she put the car into drive and drove to the shops.

When they got there they all got out the car and walked into the shop. Josh was pushing the trolly with jo and Kate holding hands behind him.
"Mum can we get this?" Josh asked showing the chocolate Santa.
"Only if we share." Kate laughed.
He chucked it into the trolly and carried on around giving hints of the last minute presents he wanted for Christmas.
"Josh let's go to the ice cream part." Jo said with a laugh.
"You do know it's like 5 degrees outside mum" josh answered.
" mum promised me ice cream earlier so we are getting ice cream" she laughed as she pulled Kate closer to her. Josh just shook his head and went to the ice cream sections where they all picked out their ice cream. Josh of course snuck some sweets into the trolly as well.
"Baby let's get some wine I need it after today." Jo said loud enough that only Kate would hear.
"Babe we have been in bed all day" Kate laughed as she wrapped her arm around Jo's waist. Jo only pleased with the puppy. To which Kate said.
"Josh come on we need to get the essentials"
Jo smiled at Kates joke as they walked to the wine and picked out their favourite bottle.
"Mum you can push I'm bored." Josh said as he put his arms up for jo to pick him up and put him in the trolly which was their tradition when they go shopping.
"Whipped" Kate coughed as jo started pushing the trolly to the tills.
"What are you then." Jo laughed.
"I'm not whipped" Kate laughed. Jo just laughed and put her arm around Kates waist and they each pushed the trolly with one hand.

Once they got to the till Kate packed the bag and paid for the shopping. When they was walking back to the car jo pulled Kate in buy her shoulder and whispered. "You can't tell me your not whipped after that."
Kate just pushed jo with her shoulder and laughed as they got into the car. "Only for you my love" and they gave each other a peck on the lips. She knew she had to talk to jo about what mark said. she knew what her fiancée was going to say she was more worried about her little man and his response to it all.

For the rest of the night the family sit their favourite takeaway. And watched a movie together as they sat eating their ice cream.
Once it got to 9pm she noticed Josh asleep with his head resting on her fiancées chest.
So she picked him up and took him to his room and gave him a kiss on the cheek before returning to sit with her lover.

"Baby. I need to talk to you" Kate announced once she was sat back down.
"Is everything ok?" Jo questioned as she grabbed Kates hand and started playing with Kates ring.
"Mark wants us to have full custody of josh" Kate admitted looking into Jo's eyes.
"Babe that's amazing news" jo smiled.
"So your ok with it" Kate asked
"Have you forgot everything that has been said this past nearly 10 months?" Jo questioned.
"No but i wanted to make sure your ok with....."
Kate was cut off by Jo's lips on hers.
"I want nothing more for us to be a proper family baby" jo said.
"I love you so much. Thank you for being a mum to josh." Kate smiled.
"I love you too. How are we going to tell josh?"
"I thought we could just ask him tomorrow morning at breakfast... over your pancakes"
"Sounds like an awesome plan baby" jo smiled as she stood up from the couch and pulled Kate to their room.

The next morning josh and jo was making pancakes whilst Kate was tidying the flat. When she heard jo shout "food fight!"
She walked into the kitchen to try and stop the mess that was about to be caught when she was presented with a table that was full of food and treats that jo and josh had made.
"Hahha we pranked you" josh laughed as he high fives jo.
"You two are lucky I love you." Kate laughed as they all sat around the table.
All the family sat around chatting when the mood died down. Jo and Kate looked at each other and went serious. "Josh we want to talk to you about something" jo started.
"Oh no is it something bad?" Josh questioned.
"No we think it is good actually and just wanted your opinion." Kate answered. "So me and your dad have been talking and we was wondering if you wanted to live with us full time. And see him on the odd weekend now instead of you living with him."
"Would I still be able to call him and play Xbox with him?" Josh questioned.
"Course mate." Kate answered. Josh turned his face into a big smile and jumped off his seat before jumping into Kates lap and gave her a big hug. "Mum still gives better hugs than you" he whispered to Kate and sat in Jo's lap where he nuzzled his nose into her neck.
"I love you mate"  jo smiled
"I love you to and you mum"  Josh murmured.
"My love of my life's. Living under the same roof." Kate smiled.
"Don't get to used to it. We might be moving next month if we get that deposit on the house." Jo smiled back.
"Can I paint my own room at the new house?" Josh asked
"No I was thinking pink what about you mum?" Jo asked
"Ahh yeah me and mum thought pink with fairy lights and rainbows" Kate said sarcastically.
"I hope your joking because if not I'm going back to live with dad" Josh joked.
"Nope you are stuck with us now" Kate laughed as she wrapped her arms around her loves shoulders.

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