Part 27

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Today was the annal training day for first aid. Both Jo and Kate was required to go as well as Chris. So on the train down to London the three of them made the most of it and made a few bets.

"So Chris every year end up copping off with a new DS I bet you a pint you can't go the whole session without flirting." Kate suggested.

"Ok if that's how it's going. I bet you two can't go a day without saying something rude to Patricia Carmichael" He grinned.

"Even though her snotty child hit our son." Kate fired back.

"Yeah. Don't worry though I will send a shot at her at the end of the day" Chris chuckled.

"Ok then. It's a deal" jo stuck out her hand. And they all shook hands. "And Kate lay and finger on her at the end of the day. You will be sleeping on the couch."

"Yes. Ma'am" Kate laughed as she grabbed Jo's hand and played with her ring.

"Oh this is gonna be fun" Chris smiled and leaned back in his chair. "You Lucky your our daughters favourite co-workers because you would be so fired right now" jo laughed.

The rest of the train ride was filled with jokes and gossip. Once they made it to the building where the first aid was talking place the two women let go of each other's hand and made there way to the longest day of their lives. When they walked in they saw Ted and Steve so they all bid their hellos and took their seats.

The two women was deep in their own conversation when the person running the training session walked in. Jo looked up and mummerd "oh for fuck sake". Kate looked up at what her fiancée was curing at and was quick to putting her head back down. And whispered "why her. We are so gonna lose this bet."
Jo couldn't help but laugh at Kates competitiveness and nudged her arm. "Behave" jo whispered back.

Carmichael started the day by making everyone go around the room and say who they was and where they was from. They had gone around half the room when it came to Kates turn. "Hi I'm DCI Kate Fleming. I'm from MIT." Then jo said "Hi I'm DCI Jo Davidson. And I'm also from MIT". Carmichael then made a snark comments saying "two DCIs in the same team something must be wrong".

Kate was quick to but in and inform the room "Well Jo and I recently adopted a baby girl if you must know. So we have agreed with our Boss to go part time to make sure someone is with our daughter through the day until she is old enough to  go to nursery." She also kept a mental note to make sure she called Ted gaffer when they spoke to each other next. Everyone in the room gave them a smile and a few people said an awww.

Patricia was clear of annoyed that Kate had stood up to her before getting on with the session. Jo turned to Kate and whispered "I'm glad we didn't agree to the bet where we was going to pretend to the be a couple" Kate let out a small laugh and hooked her pinky with Jo's. For the morning Patricia spoke very thoroughly about first aid as if she was a trained doctor until the morning break.

During their lunch break they met with Steve and Ted to have a catch up. "It's good to see you Gaffer." Kate smiled as she pulled Ted in for a hug. "Jo it's good to see you again to" he smiled.
"Now how is my grandkids" he asked which made everyone laugh. "Well josh go in trouble the other day for punching Pats kid at school because he was being a bully and Freya. Well she is loving life she love playing peek a boo with us. And I'm her favourite after this one stole josh off me" jo smirked at Kates joke and gave her shoulder a nudge. 
"Fancy a coffee?" Kate asked. "Yeah go on then." Jo smiled. "Gaffer, Steve?" "Yeah go on then" Ted smiled "I will give you a hand mate" Steve smiled. Leaving jo showing pictures for the kids to Ted.

"I can't tell you how happy I am that you and Ted get on so well with jo." Kate smiled. As she stressed making Jo's coffee knowing the measurements to a T. "Yeah well after we gave her the hurt her speech the first time we all met up. And she promised she would hand her self in if she ever did. She was welcomed into our family." Steve replied. "Still can't believe you did that you wankers. We wasn't even pissing girlfriends at the point" Kate laughed and nudged his arm. Once they got their drinks they joined jo and Ted before finding their seats for the rest of the morning.

By the time it got to the afternoon both Kate and jo was bored out of their minds. They both had been messing around thought most of the afternoon either. Annoying each other or annoying Steve or Chris. They was both getting to their whitts end when you finally had a chance to do some 'practical skills" as Patricia called it. They had to demonstrate how to out a bandage on a persons body so of course they made it fun. Kate was lay on the floor pretending to have been stabbed in the arm. "Ahhh Help help!" Kate scream. Jo couldn't help but laugh. "Baby stop drawing attention please" Jo laughed with tears coming out her eyes. "Oi what's with the pet names in public. Makes me sound soft" Kate laughed back. "Aww ok I'm sorry." Jo beamed as she got on her knees and started to roll up Kates sleeve. "Do you want me to kiss it better?" Jo giggled. Kate nodded her head dramatically and clutched her arm. So Jo leaned down forgetting these are people around them and placed a kiss on Kates arm. "I don't think I need the bandage now" Kate said dramatically as she put her hand on her forehead. "Are you sure you don't want me to cut it off?"  Jo replied. "You chop my arm off you sleep on the couch" Kate laughed. " How about just a kiss then?"
"Yes yes please" Kate was soon to pull jo in for a quick kiss. When they pulled away Chris shouted "get a room". "Oi remember we can fire you lomax." Kate shouted back. Which got a laugh from everyone in the room. "Your daughter would never forgive you if you did"  he remarked back. Before Kate could say anything back Carmichael butted in with a comment about leaving it outside the room. To where Kate rolled her eyes. "Is there a problem DCI Fleming?" Patricia asked. Kate was starting to get annoyed until Jo butter in before she said anything and said "no. There's not is the Kate." Giving her arms a squeeze. "No" Kate simply answered. The rest of the room got on with their task as Kate and jo just shared a look.

It was the end of the day everyone was saying goodbye when the two women walked over to Chris. "Looks like we will all be buying our own drinks." Kate joked. "No way there was almost a fight earlier on. Jo tell her she's got to buy the drinks." Chris argued back. "No. If she is buying drinks it comes out of our bank account" jo responded. "This is so unfair." Chris laughed as they set off to the pub. Jo and Kate linking fingers as they set off.

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