Part 31

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After the ceremony they women threw a party for all their friends and work colleges to celebrate with them before going on their honeymoon to Paris for a week. The two women was going to take the kids with them before Rachel volunteered to look after them for the week since she had decided to move closer to the two women to spend more time with the grandkids. So the two women was having their first romantic week away together since they started dating.

On the plane there the two women watched a movie that wasn't marvel since josh wasn't there so they watched Oceans 8 which left Jo annoying Kate how good Cate Blanchett looks in the movie. "Babe I think if I ever met her I would cheat on you if I had the chance you know" jo joked.
"Oh really" Kate asked. "Well yeah. Who would be your free pass?" Jo questioned "i don't know" Kate said with a serious look on her face "babe just say it's" jo laughed as she took takes and and started spinning her rings on her finger. "Ok then the post lady"  Kate said seriously. "What?!" Jo said shocked. "Yeah the post lady" Kate continued "you was supposed to say someone you would never meet!" Jo said raising her voice. "I know" Kate said starting so smile. "Sorry what?"
"I know I did I just wanted to see your face" Kate began to laugh. Jo let out a sigh of relief before poking Kates ribs. "And just so you know. 100% would be Anne Hathaway" Kate whispered in her ear before kissing her cheek. "Got a type I see." Jo quipped back before putting her AirPod back in to carry on watching the movie. Kate was quick to take the headphone back out her ear to say "I mean you will always be my type baby. And my number one"  before starting the movie again leaving jo blushing.

Once the women had made it to trace they got there bags and headed straight to their hotel room. "Wow babe have you seen the view?" Kate asked as she walked out onto the balcony. Where she was met with Jo's arms circling around her waist. "It's beautiful." Jo smiled as she kissed the back of Kates neck. Their view was the Eiffel Tower. Kate turned in Jo's arms and placed a kiss one the lips. "I can't believe we are here" Kate continued.
"I know. Not only is this our first holiday as a married couple but it's also our first holiday ever of just the two of us." Jo smiled.
"Well Mrs Fleming let's make the most of us having our first holiday together" Kate smiles as she picks jo up off the floor. Where jo wraps her arms around her neck and legs around her waist. "God it's so sexy how strong you are" jo mumbled against her lips. "Oh yeah. Wanna show me how much" Kate replied As she lay jo on the bed.


It was later on in the day the two women was lay in bed together. With limbs intwined and Jo's head on Kates chest. "I wonder how the kids are" Kate announced as she tan her fingers through Jo's hair. "I know. Josh was looking forward to spending a few nights at marks but I wonder how Freya is doing as well." Jo replied. "She has never spent a hour away from both of us." She carried on. "What do you say we FaceTime then" Kate suggested.  "Have we turned into them mums that can't keep away from our kids" jo laughed.
"Oh no. We have no life other than our kids" Kate replied. "Babe we haven't had a date since Christmas" jo suddenly realised. "Ok then I'm setting it now. We will have date night of no kids. Just you and me at least once a month" Kate announced. "Deal baby" jo smiled as she hooked her little finger with Kates and gave her a kiss on the lips. "Should we call the kids though"
"Yes" Kate laughed as she got out her phone and started to FaceTime Josh's iPad. 

"Mum! Hi" the boy smiled once he answered the call. "Hi mate" jo smiled. "Are you both in bed?" Josh questioned. "Yes but look at our view" Kate smiled. As she turned her phone to the direction of the window. "Oh my god is that the Eiffel Tower?" Josh almost screamed. "Yeah! Where is Freya and grandma anyways" Kate smiled. "Hand on let me show you" josh ran down the stairs and lay next to Freya how was playing on the floor. "Hi baby" jo cooed. To which they saw Freya's eyes light up at the sound of her mamas voice. "Are you being good for grandma?" The woman continues. "They are being the best" Rachel said as she entered the room. "Hi mum" Kate smiled and waved at the camera. "Are you girls having fun?" The older woman questioned. "Yeah well we are going shopping tomorrow and going to do some sight seeing. We are just about to get ready and go out for food." Kate replied. "Well I hope you don't spend all week in bed is all I'm saying" Rachel laughed. "I'm not promising anything" Kate laughed as she moved her hand to Jo's butt. "Right we best leave you to love birds to it" rachel laughed. "See you later guys." Kate smiled. "Bye Rachel, bye josh, bye bye Freya" jo smiled. "Love you mum, love you mama" josh smiled. "Love you" the two women smiled as they put the phone down.

"Right baby let get some food" Kate smiled as she went to get out of bed where jo stopped her and grabbed her by the waist. "I want a kiss first my darling" jo smiled as she pulled Kate in for a kiss. "Yes my darling" Kate laughed putting on a Scottish accent. "Carry on taking the mick out of me and I will divorce you Fleming" jo laughed. "I'm so sorry baby let me make it up to you." Kate apologised as she started to kiss jo. "No for your punishment I'm going to make you wait until after food" jo laughed as she got out of bed and started getting dressed. "That's so mean Fleming" Kate shouted back a she went into the bathroom.


It was later on in the week on the last day of the women's honeymoon. Kate was the first to wake up so she quickly got dressed into some joggers and a hoodie and went to a local coffee shop to get her self and jo a coffee as well as an almond croissant each. When she got back jo was still sleeping so she climbed on top of the woman before placing kisses along her neck "baby wake up. We have to get to the airport in a few hours" Kate whispered. "5 more minutes" jo mumbled as she hugged at Kates waist. "Why are you dressed" the Scottish woman asked after a few moments. "I went and got us a coffee and some pastry" Kate mumbled between kisses. "Did you get me an almond croissant?" So said as she opened her eyes. Kate quickly jumped off the woman before getting the coffee and pastries. "You are the best wife in the work Fleming" jo smiled as she sat up in bed.

"I can't believe this is our last day." Jo complained an hour later whilst the woman was walking hand in hand down the street. "I know. We've got to go back to full time work and quite sex. How are we gonna cope?" Kate laughed. "I know I'm glad we will be working together again. It means we can have our cuddles when we can't be bothered with paper work time back though." "You will be doing the paper work baby. I'm going back to DI" Kate teases. "No you won't." Jo grinned. "Sorry what?" Kate questioned. "I had a call earlier from The chief. Buckles has been arrested by AC-12 something about the last H. So I've been promoted meaning your the new DSI" jo smiled. "Oh my god baby I'm so proud of you" Kate smiled. "Wait you said they found the last H? Nice one Steve. Do you know how long AC-12 have been finding H? Remind me to go to the office and congratulate them" Kate smiled before giving Kate a kiss.

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