Part 12

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Kate and Jo made eye contact in the moment.
"Mum this is Jo or Joanne. The person I've been Telling you about. Jo this is my mum Rachel"
"It is so lovely to meet you" jo replied
"Hi grandma" Josh smiled.
"Hi mate I would hug you but your covered in flour" she happily replied.
"Shall we get tided up Joshy and leave mum and grandma to get sorted" jo questioned.
Josh nodded his head before he turned to Jo with a big grin and said
"I won!"
Jo and Kate shook their head before both jo and Josh went to the bathroom to get cleaned up.

"Do you want a drink?" Kate questioned once they had left the room.
"No thanks" Rachel answered seriously.
"But do tell me. Why haven't you mentioned she was a woman"
Kate began to worry and rambled "I just didn't think it would be something I should tell you over the phone."
"But you could tell me she was your boss over the phone?" Rachel questioned.
"Look I'm sorry ok. But I didn't want to be brought out of our bubble. Ive already nearly lost her once when she got shot a couple of months ago. And Josh absolutely adores her. They are best friends. He even calls her mum" Kate said panicking.
"I know I heard that when they was having that food fight. But I want to know why you didn't tell me you are dating a woman." Rachel demanded.
"Because I didn't think you would accept that she is a woman." Kate answered with tears in her eyes.
"Oh darling. Of course I wouldn't be upset about that. As long as you and josh are happy I don't care who you are with." The woman's mum replied as she pulled her into a hug.
Once they pulled away Kate got her self and her mum a drink of wine before showing her to the guest bedroom.
On their way they knocked on Josh's bedroom door to find both jo and josh looking though a photo album of their holiday they josh wanted to show his grandma.
"I thought you two had ran away" Kate joked bringing them out of their bubble.
"We are looking through photos from holiday" josh explained as he got off Jo's lap and dragged his grandma into the living room to show her the picture.

Jo stood up once they was gonna and put her arms around Kates neck. "Are you ok baby?" She whispered against her lovers lips.
"Yeah mum said she was happy for us." Kate replied with a smile.
"I'm so happy. Oh and sorry about the flour fight. Josh told me her saw I was nervous and wanted to take my mind off it." Jo said as she looked into Kates eyes.
"I don't care about that babe. I'm just happy that I got to hear josh calling you mum several times" she said with a wink.
"It makes me so happy that he calls me mum. It was the one good thing that came out of me shot."
"Oh so you moving in with me wasn't a good idea?"
"No I hate it was gonna move out once your mum had left" she said with a serious tone.
"Good because I don't think I love you anymore" Kate said back.
"I'm joking I love you so much. It actually hurt me to say that" Kate said.
"I love you too" jo gave her a soft kiss.
"Omg not in my room!" Josh yelped and covered his eyes. Both jo and shared a look before Kate picked him up and they both started pressing wet kisses to his face.
"Grandma help!" Josh screamed. Rachel was stood watching the three the whole time and couldn't help smile.
"Mum the pizzas are gonna burn if you don't stop"
Both of the women pulled away
"He's not wrong" Kate laughed.
"So what your both telling me is you would rather eat pizza than get a kiss from your own girlfriend and you little man from me and mum" jo said with a pout.
"We do love you mum don't me mum" josh answered sweetly. And Kate nodded her head.
Just as jo was about to testify her stomach grumbled.
"What ever losers I'm gonna go eat the pizzas all to my self. In fact Rachel would you like one all to your self" jo said
"Ow I would love to." She answered as she put her arm around Jo's and they walked into the kitchen. Once they was in the kitchen Rachel turned to Jo and asked her
"Do you love them then?"
"They are the best things that ever happened to me. I love josh more than anything and Kate. Well how could you not fall in love with her."
"Good. Just promise me you won't break their hearts"
"Never. I want to spend the rest of my life with them." Jo confessed to the older woman.
"Do you want to marry her?"
"I do yes. If that's ok with you obviously." Jo realised who she was talking to and knew her plans of being mrs Fleming rested on this very moment.
"I know we only met like 30 mins ago. But I think you are perfect for them. And just so you know I have no objection to you marrying my little girl" jo could help but smile that the kind words of her mother-in-law.
"Tea is ready" jo shouted as Kate and josh went over to the table.
"Though me and mum wasn't having pizza" josh questioned.
"Well I had a thought and realised I can't let my loves go with out any food." Kate and josh punched the air at the statement.

The rest of the weekend was spent sharing story's and allowing jo and Rachel to get to know each other. They all had an amazing weekend.

Kate and Jo was cuddled up in bed at the end of the weekend.
"I love you so much" jo announced out of the blue.
"I love you to baby. Thank you for being so nice to my mum this weekend" Kate said back as she kissed Jo's neck.
"Anything for you babe"
"Ughhh I can't be bothered for work. I just want to say in bed with you all day" Kate complained.
"I know babe. I can't wait till we retire" jo complained.
"Hey don't skip that far ahead or you will miss the birth of our kids or our wedding or the day we buy a house or pet."
"Well why don't we check the pet one off our list." Jo answered
"What you want to get a pet?" Kate questioned.
"Well I've got a confession to make" jo said looking into Kates eyes making her confused.
"I was looking at puppy sausage dogs the other day before you came into my office."
"I kind of fell in love with them...."
"Well it looks like we are getting a dog then baby" Kate whispered.
"Aggghhhh!!" Jo screamed with excitement.
"I think it's time to celebrate" Kate joked as she climbed onto of Jo's waist.
"Mmm well I have an idea"
" if we have the idea you need to lock the door. Jo mumbled against kates lips pulling her in for a deep kiss.
"Ok" Kate jumped off the bed and locked the door before img getting naked and pushing jo into a kiss of passion.
"Baby please" jo said desperately.
"Mmm ok baby one second." This lead them to a night of passion.

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