Part 11

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One week later

It had been a long week. When they got home and had the weekend off before being called to the hill for a new investigation. It was a Friday at the station and was a slow day. Kate had been staring at the framed picture of Jo and josh on her desk Until She got a message on her phone. So she went to Jo's office and noticed the blinds was shut meaning the woman needed to Concentrate. But she knocked on the door anyways and walked into the office. (Because she knew her boss wouldn't mind since she was her girlfriend.)With a worried look on her face. And shut the door straight behind her not caring what her colleges think.

"Baby are you ok?" Jo questioned.
"Errrrrm yeah I just got a message from my mum." The short haired woman answered.
Jo knew that Kate and her mum wasn't very close and that she lived on the isle of white but nothing else about the woman.
"She is coming up to visit tomorrow for the weekend. And wants to say with me well us is that ok?"
"Yeah course it is" she pushed back on her chair and patted her lap for Kate to join her.
"You are the love of my life" Kate whispered against Jo's lips before giving her a kiss.
"Well that's lucky because your mine as well baby" jo replied. They sat there for a while before Kate turned to look at jo in the eyes
"My mum doesn't know your a woman." Kate confessed.
"Ok" is all jo could say.
"She knows your name and that your my boss. And how long we have been together abs live together but it's never been brought up at your woman. I think she just guessed you was a man because I said your name was Jo and not Joanne. And I'm so sorry" Kate mumbled before pushing her face into the crook of  jos neck.
"Why are you sorry for?" Jo asked
"Because I don't want you to think I'm ashamed of you baby"
"I never thought you was. If you was would you have photos like this" as she pointed to the framed picture of their little family on her desk. "On your desk or around our home or on social media?"
Kate shook her head at that.
"Then I know your not ashamed. I love you and know how hard it must be to come out to your mum. When I came out to mum before she died it was the hardest thing I ever did which says a lot because I dated farah for over a year" at that Kate laughed and placed a kiss on Jo's lips.
"Thanks for understanding" Kate said
"Always baby" jo replied as she kissed her again.
"Anyways josh is coming over this weekend. If she has a problem with it we will get him to distract her with a board game and surely he will win her over when she hears him calling me mum" jo laughed.
"I think she will be shocked. But let her because I will not let her change his mind about you being his mum ever. Any ways if we have kids in the future and get married she will have no choice then." Kate smiled.
"If? I thought we decided on when" jo said with a pout.
When on holiday they both expressed how they would like to have kids in the future when the time was right.
"I do apologies baby" Kate replied and tried to kiss away Jo's pout.
When they pulled away from the kiss jo realised how they was actually sat. With Kate still in her lap.
"You do realise if we are caught sat like we are they are never gonna let this go." Jo said out loud.
"Is that your way of telling me you've got dead leg?" Kate asked.
"Yes you fatty get off me" jo joked as she circled her arms around her girlfriends waist so she wouldn't even pretend to move.
"You've just lost your sex rights for tonight now" Kate laughed
Jo pushed her face into Kates shoulder and let out a big "nooooo"
"Give me a kiss and I might give you them back" with that jo connected their lips. She pushed her hands under kates shirt abs Kates hand found Jo's hair. The kiss lasted a while until they both knew if it lasted any longer it would turn into something much more passionate.
"So did that change your mind?" Jo hopefully asked.
"You will find out tonight you beautiful lady" Kate said as she stood up from Jo's lap.
"I think I should go back to working."
"Yes get back to work DI Fleming. You have distracted me enough today already." She replied as she stood up and slapped Kates butt.
"I don't know if that just help your case or not." Kate teased. As jo went to walk behind her to the door.
"You do realise your desk is there not out here" Kate said sarcastically.
"I'm gonna make a cuppa do you want one to?" Jo replied.
"Now that's how you help your case for tonight." As she turned around and opened the door and went to her desk.

Five minutes later jo arrived at Kates desk with a cuppa in each hand. They was in hers and hers mugs that their colleges had got as a joke for solving the case.
"There you go DI Fleming I think that one is yours" Kate took a sip of the tea before swapping the cup from Jo's hands just as she was about to take a sip.
"No there is no sugar in that one" and took a sip of the correct cup of tea.
"I spat in that" jo laughed.
"Oh no" Kate said sarcastically as she took a big gulp.
"My mum text whilst you was making the cuppas she now wants me to pick her up so can you pick josh up from school and we will meet you at home." Kate asked.
"Yeah course. Will give us chance to rehearse our hand shake he keeps telling everyone about" Kate just laughed and shook her head at the silliness of her girlfriend.
"Right get back to work please Fleming"
"Yes boss." Kate giggled as she poked jo in the ribs.
"Child" jo coughed as she walked back to her office and opened her blinds confident she will do some work now.
She got a text from Kate as soon as she sat down saying *you and our son has a handshake I don't think your in a place to call me child 😂😭💕*
Jo messaged back with a *look at me quick* Kate did as she was told and looked at jo who blew her a kiss which turned into a middle finger. Kate just laughed and put her phone down before getting back to her job.

It was 2:30 when jo next came over to Kate. "I'm gonna go fetch Josh from school. Do you want me to start tea tonight?" Jo questioned.
"Yeah. Are you gonna make homemade pizza with Josh?"
"Is that a question or a hint" the Scottish woman asked as she cocked her brow.
"Bit of both I think"
"Ok. I will see what Josh says"
"Alright see you later. And don't worry about mum I will send hints in the car."
"I'm sure Josh will help me. But yes see you later. Love you"
"Love you too" Kate replied as she sneaked a kiss to Jo's hand.

It was around 5pm when jo and Josh started making the pizzas. Which accidentally turned into a flour fight.
"Ohhhh you are so gonna pay for that one mate" jo laughed with flour in her hair.
And started chasing him out of the kitchen.
"Mum no I'm sorry. I'm sorry" Josh shouted as he ran into the living room neither of them seeing Kate and her mum walking through the door. Jo picked Josh up and was about to shake the flour into his hair.
"Mum please I promise I won't do it again" he said screaming with laughter. Just as jo was about to shake the flour in his hair. Kate let out a little cough to notify they was no longer home alone.
Josh and Jo quickly stopped and was looking at Kate with sorry eyes. The room was silent until they heard Kates mum
"Katherine why is my grandson calling this woman mum?"

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