SCP 096 x Blind!Reader Fluff

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Requested by : ann078de

Y/n L/n is a female/male D-class/Scientist . She/he is 20-25 years old .

D-class Y/n :
You were framed . Well police believed real criminals . They said that you could fake your blindest , but your lawyer showed medical papers ? That shows that you are blind since 13 years old . But criminals said that you could kill somebody .(Luna: The accident wasn't her/his fault! ) So you went to jail . And then Foundation took you . They had info that you're blind , so they had to experiment you and SCP 096

Scientist Y/n :
You were only one eyed blind then you were born . But you managed to hurt your other eye then you were 15 years old . So you became blind . Foundation were interested in you because then you were interviewed you said this : "I am extremely comfortable in my skin about my blindness. Because I was born this way, I have no desire to not be blind. I accept myself just as I am."
So they hired you and you were good . And because you're blind they wanted to met you with SCP 096 . You knew about 096 and you were nervous.

You came in 096's cell with your walking stick . You heard sobs . So you came a little closer . Sobs begun to be a little louder . You tried to seat on your knees , it was not really hard . But still hard . And you placed your arm on 096's spine . It's really cold and sobbing were quieter .

SCP 096's POV
Another test . I just want to be alone ! But almost everyday they need to experiment with me . I'm tired of this . But I heard how something hits the wall and floor . Why does that scientist/D-class have black glasses and 

 Why does that scientist/D-class have black glasses and 

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... a stick? It's strange . Why does that male/female coming closer ? Didn't Foundation warned her/him ? Strange... Did he/she put his/her hand on me ? It's strange . Can I see your eyes?

Your POV
Is 096's taking my glasses ? Why ? You didn't move .
"Uhhh ... You ... okay SCP 096? "

SCP 096's POV
Scientist/D-class have almost white eyes ? Is it okay ? Did he/she born with them ?
"Uhhh ... You ... okay SCP 096? "
Why did she/he spoke to me ? It's ... cool ? Or not . And I didn't attack them . It's really strange . I made some mumbling sounds in reply to her/him .
"How are you... ?"
I tilted my head . Isn't every human in Foundation scared of me ? Is he/she alright ? I waved my hand in front of her/his face . She/he doesn't react ... Strange . Can he/she see me ?

Your POV
"How are you... ?" - I asked again . I think he reacted to that . I don't know 'cause I can't see !
"... Ummm can you talk ? If you can ... pat my shoulder . Because I can't see you ." - then I felt that he started patted my shoulder
"Can you start to talk to me , please ?"

SCP 096's POV
"... Ummm can you talk ? If you can ... pat my shoulder . Because I can't see you ."
She/he can't see me . Well it's explains everything . I patted his/her shoulder . How she/he 'll react . I'm interested a lot .
"Can you start to talk to me , please ?"
Someone nice in this place ? I don't know should I talk to her ? Or not ? I'm nervous now . Will I scare them ? I won't scare ? I should test it , I didn't speak really long time .
"... Yes . Wh-why can't y-you see me ?"

Your POV
He can actually speak ? It's unusual
"Well I'm blind ."
"Bli-Blind? "
"Yes . I became blind then I was 13/15 years old "
"Are yo-you oka-okay... ?"
"Yes , I am "
"Can I as-ask ... wh-what's your na-name ?"
"It's ... Y/n or D-F/num/Dr. L/n"
"Y/n-n is bet-better tha-than Dr.L/n/D-F/nu-num "
"Yes you're right . And what is your name . I don't want to call you SCP 096 or Shy Guy , because Foundation named you that names "
"... It-it's ... L-... Lanky "
"It's unusual name ."
"Than-thank you " - Then he hugged me ? Why did he do that ? I hugged back . He started sobbing again .
"Hey ... It's okay . No need to cry "
"I-i just wa-want to b-be alone . I do-don't like o-other peo-people , th-they are m-mean to m-me "
"Don't worry . I'm here with you , and I'm not mean to you . If you want we ... can be friends"
"Friends ..."
"Dr.L/n/D-F/num your time is up . Please leave SCP 096's cell ." - Intercom spoke
"Well Lanky , I need to go "
"Will I se-see y-you again?"
"Yes I will see you , don't worry" - Then I stood up and slowly walked towards the door ? I think door .

SCP 096's POV
Friend ? I have a friend now ... Don't go Y/n . I'll miss you . *Sigh* ... She/he 's really nice . New friend ...

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