(P)SCP 049 x Child reader Angst

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(When I was listening to this song an idea came in my mind . So here we are . Idk if this is angst or not you decide . )

R/n - Your Relative's name .

A 6 year old Y/n , a child that G/n bring them to their job . Their relative thought that they'll be safe and won't be split . But , they did not expect containment breach and that little Y/n will find an unique friend there . But here they are hiding under the table in heavy zone and a SCP that was crouching .

" A child ? What are you doing here , little one ?"

" ... I wanted to see my (relative's) work ... Who are you ? "

" I am SCP 049 , but you can call me doctor . And what is your name , little one ? "

" Y/n . Um... Doctor ."

" Yes? "

" Have you seen my (relative) ? "

" I'm not sure , but how did they look ? "

" (Description of them ) . And can you help me find them ."

"Oh course I will . Now come on . " - He said as he stood up and waited for Y/n to come out . Soon after they did get out from under the table and looked at tall being that was in front of them .

" Where we should go ? "

" Hm . We should go to the left . "

" Okay ... "

Doctor started walking , but Y/n was still standing . He turned around and went to Y/n , crouched and stretched out his hand .

" Don't worry Y/n . I won't let go of your hand  and leave you alone . " - He said while softly looking at Y/n and just waited . After few seconds of thinking they took his hand . Doctor slowly stood up and this time was walking with Y/n around this halls .

They were walking around heavy zone for around 20-30 minutes now . But for Y/n it was like an eternity .

" Come on  Y/n . "

" *Yawn* I'm tired ... "

" I can take you in my arms and carry , if you want me too "

" Can you ? "

" Of course " - He looked at them and let go of their hand and stretched out their arms to him . And soon Y/n was in his arms and Doctor continued walking and looking for Y/n's relative .

" Doctor , do you have favorite things to do ? "

" Why are you asking ?"

"Friends do tell each other things that they like ."

"Friends ?"

"Yeah , aren't we friends "

"Of course , Y/n " - He was shocked that Y/n said that they are friends now . They soon started talking about their favorite things , hobby/toys/books/cartoons . Doctor was listening and was smiling under his mask .

Time skip .

After another few minutes Y/n was taking a nap , while doctor was operating a patient . He was on guard , and kept looking at Y/n to make sure they are safe . He didn't want a child to be harmed or worse... Pretty soon patient was cured and Doctor said to him that he shouldn't hurt Y/n . Patient just grunted and started to walk away .

" *Yawn* Doctor ? "

" Oh , you're awake , little one . "

" How long do you think it will take to ... find my (relative) ? "

" I'm not sure , but I'm sure we will find them " - He said with happiness in his voice .

" ... Let's go ? "

" Of course , you wouldn't want R/n to wait for you so long . Won't you ? "

" Nope ! "

Once again Doctor took Y/n's hand and went to checkpoint that will transition them to offices , luckily before he found Y/n he did take one of the keycard that could open checkpoint for them . Both of them heard intercom say that MTF was in facility to help survivors and contain SCPs . He had no choice , but to find them so Y/n could be safe .

" Where are we going and who's Mobile Task Force ? And why are they called nine tailed fox ? Are they really foxes ? "

" I'm sure that they aren't foxes . And they are workers that can help you . "

" Really ? "

" Yes . "

" Doctor ? Can we always gonna stay together  then? "

" We will ... " - He answered to Y/n , but he knew that he is a liar . It was impossible . Foundation workers will take Y/n away to their family . But deep inside he wanted them to stay , they really became his friend . And he had only 1 friend in here , even if he saw 035 really rarely and their friendship was really questionable . More of a acquaintances than friends . Doctor was deep in his thoughts , but as soon as he heard people talking . He already knew who that was . MTF . He let go off Y/n's hand .

"There . MTF is there you should go , I will be right behind you . " - He said quietly . Y/n nodded in answer and went to MTF .

" I hear footsteps be careful- wait . A child ? " - One of the MTF agents said .

" Y/n ! There you are . I was so worried about you ! " - Y/n's relative said and hugged them .

" R/n ! " - Y/n hugged them back .

" If they are okay then you 2 should quickly leave before you both get hurt by an SCP . " - Other MTF agent said .

" Okay , we will . Good luck for all of you . "

"I wanna go home R/n . "

" We will , Y/n " 

R/n and Y/n leave ... And Doctor watches it close from few meters away , until MTF find him and tranquilize him . 




So that was a lie . He truly wants to go with them as well , but Y/n said a lie about Doctor and them always gonna staying together . Y/n was a liar .

Two birds on a wire 

One tries to fly away 

And the other ...

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