Little SCP family

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creepyalienghost asked:
049, 035, 096, 106 in joining the scp family?

(It'll be probably really short . It is .)

Well they became a little family . How ? One day they just became neutral to each other . Yep they were tired of trying attacking each other . And were chatting a little . Accept 096 and 106 . You know to shy to talk and it's hard for him , his voice is to weak . And 106 is just a listener .

Even if they are a family Lanky is scared of Lawrence . Well he tortured them , so of course they would be scared . But they're more comfortable near 049 . And Mask is more talkative , so they'll be really uncomfortable near her . 

049 is more like a parental figure . He's really caring towards others . Especially Lanky . You know . Like a dad (He is ... probably ). Also he sometimes think that Mask is an idiot . 50/50 chance that he'll call them an idiot . Oh and he's neutral to Lawrence . 

106 is more by himself . He's in his pocket dimension . Or his cell . But he'll neutral to all of them .  I mean ALL of them . Even to 096 .  Non affectional , not really talkative .

And 035 is way more talkative that all of them . And friendly to 096 , but you know 096 is nervous about talking and too many affection towards him . Oh and as I wrote she annoys 049 . Poor doc . And they try to talk with 106 , but it ends up with 106 going to his dimension .  

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