Gate guardian and Scarlett King sharing a gender neutral s/o

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Idk how you started dating ... But you're lucky that you didn't die around them ... They are not really good siblings (it's only my headcanon . I don't want to offend somebody . AND NO HATE!). They don't like each other . After Uriel found out what his little brother did to other siblings . He didn't want to see him . And Khahrakh was pissed off that he couldn't terminate Uriel and take his powers . Okay I need to make headcanons for them . And it's about dating you . Soooo let's continue !

They are legitimately fighting for your affections/attention . They can kill each others if you don't stop them . 

Well they really like to cuddle with you or just hug/hold you . No matter how tall are you , they will always be bigger than you . So it's their favorite thing to do with you . 

Uriel is protecting you . With all the cost he can take . Especially when you are near your enemy/bully/people you don't like ... and Khahrakh . He know what he did ... He don't want the same thing happening to his s/o . Even if they share you somehow ... He will protect da child- . Aka you-

Khahrakh is protecting you too . But not from Uriel . He will get rid of your enemies/bullies or people who hurt you . Not that Uriel doing that too... Uriel will ask you if he can get rid of them ... And Khahrakh is just asking , then kidnapping and torturing them no matter if you said that it doesn't bother you . He can sense if you are bothered or getting nervous/mad . 

Both of them is near you , oh ? You don't like them to follow you? Okay . They won't , but still they can be near you ... just in case if you got hurt . Don't look at them like that! They are just scared that you'll get hurt or die ! Yeah . They are scared of you dying or hurting really badly . They know how vulnerable and soft humans are . Humans are so killable like animals and plants , but not all . Even if you're an anomaly . Both of them don't want to risk .

And about CUDDLES . They both are affectional . Basically you are a middle spoon . They can literally be a little or big spoon . When they feel it . AAAAAAND believe it or not , both would like to be little spoon ... DON'T LOOK AT THEM LIKE THAT . They are touch starved . Just don't judge them . But gladly will be big spoon if you'd like that . 

And they don't need to sleep . They will protect you when you sleep . No problem beloved/darling

Ahem . If 682 escapes the foundation . And found your house . He would have a talk with his father and maybe uncle(Command him not to attack you if he won't listen to his father). And 682 may or may not say 999 that their creator found a partner and would probably say to him that their uncle and dad id sharing them . 999 wants to meet you and other children of Khahrakh too . They won't touch you . Don't worry . They'll never do that .


... Oh god- 

Well you choose with who you did first .Or threesome- 

So they are 220 cm(height) both . Aaaaaaand 9/10 inches . Good luck with walking after that . Especially after Scarlet King-

Ahem . They both are really different. 

Uriel didn't have a partner . And never dated . He doesn't know what to do .But , after some time . He understood . Really quickly . While Khahrakh is the experienced one . Cause you know why .

Khahrakh have : breeding , marking and size kinks . You know why breeding kink . He literally have 14 children . No really... Be careful Y/n . Even if you can't gave birth or get pregnant ...
Well marking . He likes to bite you sometimes . And let everyone else that you're taken .
And he likes that you are really smol for him . 

Uriel have : no kinks . Just vanilla sex . A huge differences . 

Ahem ahem . Listen Uriel doesn't care . No really he doesn't get horny . He can do it if you want .
Well Khahrakh pretty neutral if you can say that . He get horny like any other human ... well you know . If he saw you naked or something . But not to much . 

It's really fricking hard to give them blowjobs . You know why . And Uriel can't give you oral/blowjob he still don't have mouth (You can kiss him where his mouth would be)... But he have hands . And he will gladly uh how do you call it . You know - 

And Khahrakh can bite you . And it's hard to get him give oral/blowjob . It's more likely you would do it . But , you can try to tease him . I dare you and see the aftermath . I suggest you to buy a wheel chair . And he would prefer to use his mouth than fingers (They are sharp . Really sharp . And he knows that)

About threesome ... GOOD LUCK READER . THEY ARE not going to kill each other . You're there with them , and 3 of you are sharing intimacy . With dangerous anomalies . 

... What about some like real life situations ? Well that can happen . Sooooooooo there is visits from Jeser , Hastur and Lord Goran . They can come in ... Yeah . And Scarlet will yell at them to gtfo(get the f*ck out) of there . 

AND I DON"T KNOW WHAT TO WRITE ANYMORE . Sooooo it's end of hc.

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