(P)SCP 049-j x SCP reader x SCP 173-j

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It was requested by AngelLinscott :

Can you do a family type of story? 049-j x SCP reader x 173-j.

I'm really sorry for a really really long wait . Hope you're not mad :_) It might be not so family type of story so , sorry . And btw how should I call 173-j ? 

... It is short . Sorry .

Headcanons :

Your first encounter was just - Jay trying to say that he's the best cure in the world and 173-j is trying to get your attention . And your reaction is just : (Say how would you react )

They just wanted to get more attention . So they wanted to see you again .

After few meetings later you became friends and more of a siblings later .

They are more friendly with you than any other person/anomaly .

Gonna skip to where you already know each other .

Your relationship is like - siblings .

You guys did some weird shit(Mostly them if you're not troublesome) .Really weird . 

Those 2 are really energetic and positive so they'll play games with you , like tags , hide & seek and etc. 

Jay did in fact introduce you to his older brother , 049 . Doc was lil shocked that Jay started to consider you as his sibling . But if his brother is happy then he's okay . 

173-j tried to introduce you to his 'friend' ... well it didn't end so nicely , his friend tried to break your neck .(Yes 173-j thinks that 173 is his friend , but the truth is that he's not .)

They will support you . No matter what . Did you see what 049-j did ? 173-j won't care about some gore . 

Jay is a protective sibling . He will most of a time protect you . And from 'sick' people too .

If you try to teach any of them some activities/hobbies you have , then they do same for you .


"Oh . SCP (Redacted) it's uh- . You woke up earlier than normal ."

"Because , one of you said that I will see my friends again! ."

"Wh- ... Oh my god . It's Dr.(Redacted)... Well yeah you could see them . But , a bit later ." - He said and looked at his co-worker that looked nervous now . 


"I just didn't know what to say to them !" - the said co-worker whispered to him .

"Oh I bet that if you worked with 049-j you would've said this to him too ?"

"...Yeah . Sorry . "

"You need to go to 05 and ask permission now . We can't just let them see each other without saying a word to 05 . They will be so mad! "

"Fine . Just don't scream . I already have a headache . "

"Go on then ."

*They are really weird . Hope I'll see guys soon .*

Time Skip .

You heard a door open and looked-

"Y/n! We missed you !" - You were now trapped in a hug from Jay . And soon 173-j has hugging you too .

"Same ! How are you feeling guys ?" - You asked both of them . 049-j said that he's feeling really great and started ranting about how he cure new patients , while 173-j set a sombrero on your head . - "Oh right . A fiesta . Thanks for sombrero , buddy !" - You also noticed that Jay had a sombrero on top of his hat . 

"Isn't it a great hat ? It looks so cool ! "

"Of course it is ."

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