SCPs x artist reader

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Anonymous requested:

Pls do if 049,035,105,076,073,682, or any other scps you can do finds out that the reader is an artist and can basically draw anything and drew the scps???? Take ur time if needed!

(It's night and I don't sleep and try to finish this . My brain's literally dead right now .) Srr if it's too short . My imagination died .

SCP 035

When they find/you show them your art . Well ... They'll get really excited that you drew them . Like a child . 

She won't care about the style of your art . As long as you can draw , it's fine with her .
Would totally ask to draw them more often . What can I say they are narcissistic and like attention toward them . 

SCP 049

He's quite surprised . And would like to see your drawing if you can/want to show him . And will praise it and yeah , new art styles(if you don't draw in realism) are ... Interesting and little weird to him , but they are better looking than art in his time . 

If you show art of him , he'll be happy that you decided to draw him out of all people/things/or whatever you usually draw . 

SCP 073

His first reaction is ... unsure , then realization hit him . He would be kind of honored , mostly really fricking happy about it . 

Wants to ask you to draw him again , but he's a little ... hesitant about this idea . You could be not in the mood/busy/tired . So he wouldn't do it ... right now at least . He just needs some time to make a decision . 

Would be unusual to see you art most of the time , no seriously , he didn't see drawing or anything similar when he was a normal human . 

SCP 076

First reaction is ... He doesn't know .He acts like he's not interested . But he's impressed and surprised that you drew him after some time . He may or may not say that this drawing is just - Okay . 

But trust me in his head he's overthinking about it . And if he was able to sleep like normal(not while he's regenerating in his box)... he wouldn't and would just stare in to the void . And this is what he can actually do . Just stand somewhere alone and dose off . Straight up standing there in the middle of the room/hall , alone and don't move . You could say he's like a statue , but when he hears/sees someone he's back to his normal self .

SCP 096

What ? You did ... what ?

Honestly they don't know why you chose to draw them out of all the options that you have , no seriously . They will straight up tilt their head(like puppies do). 

It doesn't mean that he don't like your drawing , they like it . A lot . And then I say a lot , I mean A LOT . Especially in you art style , but they don't like to look at himself most of the time . And usually ignore their reflection . 

SCP 105

She would be really exited and say many 'thank you's . Many times .She even offered to give you some of the pictures she took and give them to you so you can draw/get inspired by it .(Well if you're okay with drawing nature/sea)

Would probably try to draw you too . But firstly Iris needs to practice 'cause it's been a fairly long time since she drew something, especially people . Probably took her a 2 week or so to draw you . And will give this to you by first opportunity .

SCP 682

No reaction . Or at least his face don't show it , but would be really glad . 

And probably try to give you something back as a gift . Well to be exactly ... Death . Not yours . But rather the person you hate the most/your enemy/person who's really fucking annoying .
That's literally the only thing he can do as a return(probably the only thing) , because he either accidentally break/hurt the gift or the item is too smol for him to pick it up . But you can expect some quality time(cuddles) with him or what ever you want to do (Be careful he can accidentally fall asleep and crush you if he's really tired , which is rarely , but still . Careful)

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