Spending New Year with 035

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Anonymous requested:
Hello! I hope,you have a nice day and time. But,if you see this request,that means i finally stop being shy. May i ask please headcanons or fluff about Fem!Reader x 035,how they spend their New Year's Holidays?(I just love New year and 035). Anyways,thank you for reading!

Let's pretend that Foundation don't care that you spend time with them and just let's you do whatever you want. For the sake of this hc. Maybe some day I'll write a fic about it. Who knows?

"Someone's getting excited about New Year again? Am I right Darling?"

They don't really care about holidays, since nothing really happens in Foundation when they start. Maybe few scientists or guards or whatever say/congratulate each other. But nothing interesting. 

But when you're excited, he gets excited too. You know, just matching your energy. Cus they love/like you)))

Will help you with decorations, cooking or whatever you want to do right now. 

Beware that she'll try to give you, helpful or not so helpful advices. Or straight up do decorations by herself. Just give her a smack on the head and she'll stop(not completely, will totally sneak some of her own design in yours). But without aspect of her interrupting and doing her own things, it's pretty pleasant decorating with her. 

Cooking is pretty easy with them. You know, they have a photographic memory and you don't need to look in cooking book or phone to follow the recipe, they can just tell you or remind you about how many minutes passed if you got lost in time. 

Probably will wear something New Year Themed. Well it's to be expected from them. And they totally don't like spending holidays so they can just dress up as it's theme. Yeah... Totally not true! 

And what a bad author I'll be if I will leave it short and won't include some winter activities.
Now firstly about snow fight. When you start they will play without cheating, but when you start to win. Just beware that they'll use tentacles to throw snow in your collar. Yeah... Cheating in snow fight. And probably getting you sick. How fucking nice-

Will gladly make snowmen with you. It'll probably be artsy and kind of resemble statues. And maybe try to sculpt other things from snow. Of course will make snow angels too. Hopefully it's host will get sick. 

If you want to sled- Well wait your turn. For an eternity. Yeahhhh you might have to fight them to get a turn or beg them. Maybe you'll convince them to at least sit together(P.S. they'll like it way to much). But it will be easier to just push them from sledge and just sled down by yourself- 

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