When reader had a nightmare

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(I updated it cause the video link isn't working so I found other video of this short film)

It's so unusual and maybe cool . Idk how to call it but ... WOW . Imagine waking up and you were in this situation .

There is a few theories . This movie is about like addiction to bad things/depression/sorrow or just a hopeless situation . Or is it just some kind of experiment about what would people do in this kind of situation . And the mystery is that we don't know if she really died or did some help came to her ? But I was inspired to do like scenario where reader is in this situation and then they wake up and it's just a nightmare .

I'll make it with more like unpopular SCPs that people write a 'x reader' . Btw you choice if it's platonic/romantic relationship.

SCP 049-J 

Y/n ! Are you okay ? You were acting weirdly in your sleep ? Is everything fine friend/partner ? I was worried ! Hey , it is just a nightmare . I'm here with you ! Don't worry !

SCP 054

Hey ... Y/n what's wrong ? Oh ... A nightmare ? Can you please explain what's a nightmare ? Ohhh it's like a bad dream . It's fine Y/nn I'm here with you !

SCP 087 

(Ahem ... He can only make crying sounds and he can write . But his writing is bad tho...) ' Y/n ? Did you have a nightmare ?' ' You did?' 'It's sad to hear that :( ' ' Hug? '

SCP 179

It's okay Y/n I'm here . Everyone did have at least one nightmare . Can you say what was in your nightmare ? 


It is really strange nightmare . I hope you're not offended by that ! But you were pretty strong in that situation .

Oh it's okay then . I understand that it can be uncomfortable for you . Do you want something to eat/drink ? Okay then !

SCP 323

(So . They can talk , but like whisper . And I want to say that when you did wake up they were like ... cat . They stared down on you .While sitting on your bed .)... Did something happen mate(It can mean both friend/partner)...? I can sense that something is making you feel ... uncomfortable/fear/anxious ... Can I help you with making you feel more comfortable ?...

SCP 457

... Y/n ... you okay ... Or not ... What's wrong ?... Tell me please . 

SCP 847

Huh? Y/n do you look very stressed ? I know that something is wrong . Tell me please ... What happened ? I want to help you .

SCP 1233

Y/N! What's wrong ! Did moon monsters terrorize you ?! no they not ? What happened then ? I can help yo with ... Nightmare . Um what's that? Oh so bad dreams hunt you ! Don't worry I'll protect your dreams then !

SCP 1810

(I know that he speaks French , but I don't want to use translator .) ! Are you okay ? What's wrong ? Y/n , please tell me what happened ! I want to know . And help you ! 

SCP 2396

Nightmare ? I had them too . They were really ... strange . Like strange situations and such . Oh you had strange nightmare too ? Can you tell me about it . I can help too . So what do you say .

SCP 3090

Y/n ? Huh ... something wrong . Are you hurt ? Or bad dream ? If you don't want to talk about it we can play some games . What do you say ?

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