Some short scenarios with 096

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(From Tumblr) ask-pride-cuphead-deactivated requested:

"Talk to me about what 096 would do in random scenarios (for example, if you fell asleep on <them>, or if you did that REALLY CUTE yawn)"

I guess I'm back(?) but I'm NOT gonna promise that there will be more frequent updates. Since I'm more focused on other stuff.

(Implied yandere 096. And you can decide if it's platonic/romantic/etc)

*what are dates/hang outs like with them + how they'll show affection*

Imma be real with you, since they ARE an anomaly locked away, you can't exactly take them anywhere because of one reason or another. Which is obvious(Wanna add that they can keep calm and not rip you apart... for sometime. I mean they... like obsess over you, sadly you're not save from THAT fate as others).

So the best way to simulate it is just... be there with them. Like sitting next to them or just be near them as you do your own stuff, it'll be enough for them. Ofc you can show other affection, they won't mind. They like to look at you you do your hobbies/talk their ears off. Like stare over shoulder as you read/watch/draw/crotchet/etc.

And not only when you do anything, they'll stare at you. Liking your presence and appearance, wanting to just pick you up and tear, squeeze hug, cradle you. I mean how can they not? When you look so.. like you, doing some stuff that they aren't interested at this moment, since you're their main focus(obsession)

On that note. Their love language is quality time, hand holding and face touching.

Nothing is better for them than spending time with you right after brutally murdering some poor person who looked at their face. They won't mind if you don't want to be too close or touch them, your presence will be enough.
You'll always be enough for them. They like the silence, but is alright with hearing you talk about anything you like, anything. Would love to see what you do as they keep lingering next to you. Just don't look at them for too long and you'll be just fine.

Hand holding is their main way to tell you that they like and appreciate you. How warm you are compared to them is really comforting... and I suggest you wash or clean their hands beforehand(no pun intended). Unless you're okay with possibility of your hands getting bloody and feeling of guts on your hands(I mean you can't really clean it all off)

They don't care if you touch their face or vice versa. Once again it's about your warmth and feeling your skin on their own. Which can kinda ground them. But because of their natural calm state it's more of the affection ofc. Just feeling you tracing their features and possibly have your foreheads touch is a bliss to them. And don't look at them or glance at them before they get real antsy.

*falling asleep on them*

It kind of depends on how they were in that moment(i.e. sitting, standing, possibly carrying you(?)).

If they were sitting, then feel you lean on them and not move or respond in any way. They'll just freeze and will keep staring at you. Not that they don't like it, no they don't know what to do, so the best thing they can do is look at you, letting you rest as they can hear distant screams and sirens. Basking in this calm moment.

If they were standing and you fell asleep on them(probably sitting and lean on their leg). Once again freeze, look and then placing their hand on you(probably you head), as they either try to sit down so you'll be a little bit more comfortable or just continue to look at the wall while petting you.

But falling asleep while they were carrying/cradling you in their arms, they won't let go. Move with you in more safe, secluded and quieter place. Still holding you and being more alert about all what they'll hear. Just sitting down and cradling you close to them.

*noticing you yawn*

Let me be real with you.. they won't care how you look when yawning, they'll just stare at you. And will probably look away/turn away from your gaze if you look at them for too long. But it's probably not the first time that you noticed them staring at you (they do it randomly. You could be standing or dozing off and then(probably) feel their gaze on you)

If it's the first time they see you yawn(rarely or even never seen someone yawn) probably won't understand or maybe some human part of him still know that you're (somewhat) tired, possibly scooping you up in their long ass arms and squeezing you(not hard tho), not letting you go.

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