SCP 035's s/o with similar powers .

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Anonymous requested:
Could you do a scp035 with a s/o that has powers similar to his

With these powers you'll probably a SCP or worker or just normal person(if you're a human and not an anomalous object) if you hide it real good it you wouldn't be considered one . But you'll probably met in Foundation(cause the chances are that you meet it in there are very fucking high .)

Okay let's just go to hc.

It knew your powers because you did not listen to his manipulations (Wear him so he can have a new host)

I can only say 2 words that can and will describe both of you:
Double Trouble. 

Especially if both of you are chaotic and like to toy around with people and manipulate them.
And it would be really cool if you have same interests as him. You know like acting, singing and other stuff like this. 

If you know how to dance or would like to learn how to. She'll gladly dance with you. You don't even need to ask her , she'll just read your mind... Unless you read her mind at that exact moment... You'll uhh- Honestly nobody knows what you'll hear or read(or whatever).

Same goes with singing. And acting. And if you know how or have good skills, she'll try to make a plan for your break out(The Foundation if you couldn't guess) and if it happens. She'll try to get you to act/sing/dance with her for the performance. 

If you're an object that came to life and can take over people/have hosts it won't be a new thing. It saw or maybe heard that it's not the only 1 SCP that can have hosts. And might even think(kind of) that you're either one of it's sibling or it have an anomalous fan. Yeah. It's narcissistic self has been woken up(Once again).

And idk what I should write more about it-

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