(A/N)Scarlet King x Powerful God Reader . Maybe preview or how do I call it?

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Anonymous asked:
A small intersting plot I came up with.

Imagine the reader being a powerful god and having known the Scarlet King before he commited his terrible sins. Being in love with eachother.

But after he sinned the reader lost all love for him and fights against him in his war, even winning in multiple battles, being an actual threat. But the Scarlet King still loves the reader and wants to make them his bride/groom, the reader however rejects him each time.

The reader creates an army to battle their former lover and they get even more powerful. They are the light Version of the Scarlet King, matching in power and starting to surpass him.

That's all I came up with for now

This idea is AMAZING . I know that this just a plot that you came up . But maybe I'll write it in future I'll keep that in mind(Google Keep-)  

Author's note :

Okay so . Many writers don't like then some of the readers comment like . 

"Update" , " When will you update " and etc.

I don't complain , but I wanted to say that I will write Halloween special . Literally 4 parts . And I need time to came with the ideas for each of them . So in Halloween there will be like 4 new chapters . So I'll see you guys in Halloween .

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