Being SCPs friend then they were human .

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Y/nn - your nickname
How did you not die for that time ? I can say only one thing: Reborn .
And you really remember everything from your last time . And you look exactly like in last live . I hope you like this chapter .

SCP 049

It was around 16th century . You and Doc was friend then you were teens and were coming to see him and his family sometimes . After some years he had married (His wife's name was Janet). You knew her too . So she was okay with you coming to their home to see them and play with their daughter . And last time you saw him then he went to work as plague doctor . He tried to help other people . After around 5 month you came to see them . But yo only found ... Janet's dead body . You explored a house a little and found Lexie's body too . But where's Doc(Aka 049)? Did he saw this ? Maybe he saw it , and left somewhere ? It's really strange . You started traveling to see Estienne . But you never found him .

(As I wrote you were reborn . Many times ) You started working in Foundation . And you were interested in 049 . Because he had the same clothes that You old friend used to wear . 05 found it interesting too , so you started working on 049 . You know . After sometime he became more communicative with you . And protective(Possessive . He's slightly yandere . In scenarios and in this book) over you . You know how he remembered you ? He found your sketches in his book/diary(I don't know how to call that book that he used to write his experiments then he cure people ) . And remembered how you look (and your hair , eyes and skin color ). And you know how you remembered him ? At one containment breach . He took you arm and pulled you in other room (It looks like a closet ). You tried to pull your arm out of his grip . But he just took his mask(Fanfiction powers✨) . You of course remembered his face . ... Estienne ? How ?  Y/n it's really you ? I wanted to test , if it's actually you . How did you survive for such a long time ? ...Oh reborn . It's amazing ! (You know what ? After his family died . He started liking you . Even if you're male .He don't care . You're only one who he really trust)He said to Lexie that you're still alive . And you know how happy she was ? Really happy . No seriously . REALLY HAPPY . She have someone to play with .(She usually plays with zombies . Yes , they are a little smart not like in SCP CB . Like in SCP SL . But not so much )

SCP 049-j

(His name's Jay)Like 049 he was friends with you when you were teens . At that time his big brother(049 . It's 049!) left to live with his wife . So you were visiting Jay more often . After sometime he heard that his brother became a plague doctor . He wanted him(Estienne/aka 049 or his brother) to be proud . But he has a little mental problems . So he somehow got plague doctor costume . And made little ones for his pets ... Rats✨ . He cares about their health a lot . For yours too ! He tried to help other people too . So started travel more . And one week you did not see him anymore , you even asked his family . They said that they didn't see him too .

Like with 049 . You reborn many times . And started working in Foundation . Btw Jay have a better memory than 049 . So he remembers you . And some patients . So when he saw you he started to think about you . (He doesn't really understand that people can die from old age )So you're lucky that he remember you . If someone understand that he lied , he will somehow escape . So it is what he did , and J started looking for you . After he found you ... He hugged you tightly . Y/n! I didn't expect to see you here . But it's okay ! I like it . Really much ! Uhhh ... What's a 'reborn'? Uhhhhhh ... I think I understand . Or not ... But it doesn't matter . We are together again! YAY !!! Then you interview him , he always (Not every time)answer questions . And Foundation worker really like it . So they mostly send you to interview 049-j .

SCP 096

(In my headcanon he was a hiker that survived SCP 1529)

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