Headcanons about Human AU .

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Okay so ... I thought about Human Au of SCP Foundation . And I couldn't think about it being : 

1 - Normal AU where SCPs are humans and have no powers and etc. 

AND 2 - ... the one where SCPs ARE humans . But like they have mental disorders or them being experimented on . You know like some kind of asylum or etc. AND WHY NOT WRITE SOME HEADCANONS ABOUT THIS AU ? Well about my 2nd thought .

And if you like want to imagine like you are in this AU , you are a worker in this asylum . Okay ? Cuz there would not be d-class or etc.

I'll start with - 035 . They are around 25-30 years old , she have killed someone . And he have a phycological disorder plus she's a great manipulator too . They call it charisma . Don't believe this mf .

Btw they are intersex(born with both male and female genitalia .)

About her look - They have a medium brownish red hair , really dark brown eyes and some freckles . Usually 'wears' a smile , but will have sad/angry look on his face depending on the situation . 

Can look nice and kind at first . But they want to befriend you so she can get out of asylum . But pretty much really talkative with other patients(SCPs) . And it will annoy some of them . 

049 is still calm . But , something in his mind tells him about the pestilence . The disease that he can only get rid of . Yeah , a schizophrenia . He didn't kill his family . He just killed someone . A neighbor to be exact . And tried to operate on them . That is why he's here . 

His appearance : less than medium length black hair and yes , amber eye color + some minor scars . (I almost forgot to write his age) Around 29-33 like Mask . Plus he's a doctor . He is . Trust me .

049-j is still 049's lil brother . And he's still strange guy even when he's human . Yeah another disorder , . He have PTSD . He once saw on TV how to perform surgeries , he was 6-7 at that time . And that's the start of his strange medical things . NICE . 

He looks like 049 . Short black hair , slightly pale amber eyes . He assure everyone that he's the best doctor ever ... And he killed his ex classmate by beating her throat with a boot . Hmmm where did that come from ? Btw he's 27 years old.

053 is a little girl . She is a worker's daughter . She really wanted to visit her parent job . And that's how she met 682 and others . She calmed him(Atanti aka 682) somehow . And wants to visit her new friends again . But her parent is scared of what might happen to Abby . 

Before I start hc about 073 and 076 here's info about them:
Cain still tried to kill his brother , because of jealousy . And then he regretted his decisions . Well when Able tried to tell parents , some doctors and police about his brother . Their parents said that maybe Able had something in his mind that is making him hallucinate . Even Cain said that maybe it was someone else and Able was thinking bad about him . After sometime of him convincing to believe him(He was yelling at them to believe him and tried to punch Cain) . You probably know what happened . Boom . Some kind of lunatic with anger issues . So yeah . 

073 is still same looking without his metal arms and that mark on his forehead . 

076 like I said he's a 'lunatic' with anger issues . He hates people ... But not animals . He thinks that they are better than humans . He especially love sheep and lamb . And he and Cain are 24 years old .

079 is a fricking hacker . He was working at the asylum . But once 106 did escape his room and brutally killed a worker , 079 just laughed at that . Now they're a worker in question . And his mental stability needs to be checked . 

They have short split colored hair(black and white) and grey eyes . Has white skin with vitiligo . He's 44 years old .(Srr it's cannon . 079 was originally build in 1978 . So it means he's 44 now.)

About 096 . This poor fella have schizophrenia and they have to wear straight jacket so he won't hurt somebody or himself . They still don't like then people look at them and it's recommended not to look at him(his face) or he'll get frustrated . And probably hurt somebody . So they gave him a mask to wear , it is a relief for them .

He has albino like look . Naturally white hair , greyish blue colored eyes and ofc pale skin . They're around 26-27 years old .

106 is a creepy guy . He say that he was once in WW1 , but he died and was reborn in this new body that looks just like his old self . And he like gruesome things . What did you expect ? That's the 2nd reason he's in here . And he ofc attacked some people , well ... killed . A psychopath indeed . Do I need to say more about what he did ? 

Lawrence in his mid 30-40s . He have dark brown hair , white skin , blue eyes with one blind eye . He have some scars and needs to wear straight jacket too . Because he can use anything as a weapon .

173 a creepy sculptor . Well ... Was ones . Now a lunatic at asylum . Usually he'll try to draw something . It ends up messed up and creepy . 

A 30 year old guy with blonde short hair and green eyes. And a little bit tan skin with freckles . Usually he shows not a single expression . He's can move fast and prefer to move when no one's looking at him . Just as usual .

682 have naturally long really dark gray hair and golden colored eyes . And white skin . He have some scars . He's 28 years old . He have a little brother and surprisingly he tries and do visit Atanti . 

He have hate towards alive things . But he managed to be friends with 079 and Abby . He's aggressive and sometimes he needs to be cuffed/wear straight jacket . Or he'll hurt somebody really badly or worse ... Kill somebody , he is very strong for normal human .

999 is a worker's kid . He just visits his big bro (Atanti/682) . He have tan skin , ginger short fluffy hair and brown eyes . He's 10 years old . 

He's really friendly and innocent . He's not used to violence and etc. And he can make people smile , even sad people .

Idk what to write , cuz my motivation at the end of this hc just died .

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