035's comfort headcanons

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overtyone51 requested this . So here's a chapter with 035 .

(Art is not mine . I found it on the internet)

And yes . Hey guys . It's 2022 now . Well in my country it's around 11-12 pm already . And I know that we all have different time zones so I hope that you have a great New year and won't get sick ... like I did and it annoys me . But once again I wish you a good mood and good 2022 in general . Hope it won't be as 2020 . So see you in new chapter . And I think I'll take a little break for now . So yeah . See you .

Do they need to kill someone ? No really she'll do it if you want . No matter if your relationships are romantic or platonic .

Will try to cheer you up . He have charisma . And this'll probably will work on you . Or at least they think it will .

But she can make you laugh . Won't it make you feel better ? Well it depends on a situation that you had .

If you had a really f*ed up day . When he'll be serious and will say many cheering things : 'Don't worry it's be okay' , 'I don't want you be too overwhelmed' , 'If you want I can beat up that bi-'

Do you want to do things that you like ? Or maybe get snacks/drinks ?

They hope that they didn't make your mood way worse . 

He'll offer you a hug if you want . Or your favorite plushie that you love to hug .

Hates to see you upset/crying/in bad mood .

Yep , it's short . Srr guys .

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