SCPs with half-cannibal s/o

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Anonymous asked:
hear me out;; SCPs with a half-cannibal!S/O (gender neutral or male) that can eat both normal food and y'know, organs,,

(P.s. I'll add picture/images that I add in Tumblr later . And sorry if there is a mistakes in this . I'm not English )

SCP 035 

That's ... Unusual . Lucky me . I'm porcelain mask . 

It a little shocking when you first thought about maybe eating your enemy ... I don't know what he thought about it . But I can assure that she was really shocked . He didn't expect to see a cannibal in here . Do 05 know about it ? 

They are concerned that you aren't fully a cannibal . but it's pretty cool too ! 50/50 should I say ?
(You can imagine how you met together . So ... yeah . AND MY INSIDE DEMON NAMED "WRITTER" IS STILL SLEEPING AND DOES NOT KNOW WHAT I NEED OF THEM .)

She's really neutral about it . And I don't think that something will change in your relationships with him (You choose whatever it's platonic/romantic one).
They'll be very curious . And if you 2 got out of Foundation and blew the facility and all SCPs got out . He'll be living with you ! And ask you what would you like to eat . Human or normal food . You choose . It will be pretty easy you know 'cause 035 have charism- control of people mind . No problem bestie/lover ! 

Like I said they're 50/50 and don't worry once you'll know each other better she won't tell anybody about your secret . I'd say 9/10 .

SCP 049

Ahem . Again you choose how you met . 

He's intrigued by your diet of eating humans and food that you usually eat which is not again humans ... And the truth is that his patients/zombies eat humans too . Who would've known that ? Almost everybody . So he thinks that it like normal ... don't ask how . He's pretty strange .
He's okay with it . And never would tell anybody cause you'll be in big trouble for that . And he doesn't want that to happen to his significant other/friend .

Oh and ... if you get hungry at containment breach ... Well ... he can kill for you . Yeah ... He's loyal to him friends . And he don't have many . It's sad(

Welp I think he'll be 9.5/10 .

SCP 073

Oh ... um . You're special ! Yeah ... Don't worry I won't tell anybody about it . I'm just surprised .
When he learned that you are half cannibal ... that's really shocked . Like ... when people eat other humans they get sick/become cannibal . But you're very ... lucky that you didn't become fully a cannibal . So yeah . 

Oh and Cain is okay with that . Don't worry . And like with 035 it won't change the relationship with you . And if you 2 live together he would cook human food . He just don't know how to cook human meat or organs . But you can teach him . He'll really try to make a good food .(Welp idk what to write next .)

Probably 8/10 

SCP 076

... Okay 

He's just neutral about you being a half cannibal . He don't really care . He think that you're a regular human just have a special diet . Or something like that . Like I said neutral . Oh and he'll help you when you want to eat ... human organs.(It sounds weird , but I'm okay with that . I like it- ) He likes to kill people and you can eat the bodies of dead people . That's the plus for 2 of you . 

Oh nobody won't ask him about you or something about the cannibals . They don't think that he will talk or be interested in it . 

7/10 .

SCP 323 

...Do my mate want a heart ? 

Yeah , you know a wendigo and a half cannibal . What could go wrong ? Well they would offer you human organs recently , even if you tell them that you're not fully a cannibal . They just like that someone share the same diet as them . Well overexcited . Oh and they will bring you dead people , so you can eat . 

... Who wants to ask question to wendigo ? Huh ? No one ... Okay .


SCP 682

... So what ? 

Like 076 he don't care about a fact that you're a half cannibal . He literally like : 'Me too . I eat people too .' . He's a good pal/partner . Well not really , but he's very sarcastic . The sarcasm . SARCASM ... That's not the point of this headcannons ... Let's return to half cannibal y/n . Like I said he don't give a f- about your diet .

Eh if people died and was half eaten . They'll think that it's 682 , 953 or 096. You know why . Not really many people wouldn't suspect you . It really depend on your behavior .

7/10 . 

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