049-j x SCP reader with sensitive hearing.

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Requested by : mengy007

What about 049-j x Sensitive listener? Like the listener is another Scp who has very sensitive ears and I've learned he tends to shout a lot so maybe he could learn to be a bit more quiet? Idk just a suggestion

I had no imagination . My brain just melted from school . And it's 12:04 am (when I started writing) 19 September , my birthday . And idk how it's a conscience , but I made my account after month of my bday . Idk why I write it here . MY BRAIN MELTED . AND MY INSIDE DEMONS ARE SO FRICKING LAZY . WRITTER DEMON IN ME CAN'T WAKE UP . Okay enjoy what I wrote .

Ahem . He can be loud . It's really hard for him to control it . He can not see the differences if he's talking loud or normal volume . 

When you first met him . He just wanted a friend . But he obliviously made you(r) scared/head hurt , he fricked out from your reaction . Just know that he is very sorry . 

Foundation know that you have really sensitive hearing . So they took you away from his cell . Jay was sad . Really sad :(

Second meeting was . Well you had ear plugs ... just incase . He was trying to keep himself from talking toooooooo loud , he tried to whisper a little . Thanks for that 049-J ! You talked a little bit . And that's a start of your friendship . 

After like month or two he started to control his voice volume . Thanks to you Y/n !

Platonic relationship :

He really appreciate your friendship . You're a really fricking close friend of his . More closer than his brother . Well he didn't see him in a really long time . So then a containment breach happen . And you were with him and he saw Estienne . He just took you arm and hurried to introduce you to him . And he was shocked . He had a friend . And you're lucky that Doc is calm and don't talk loudly . 

And about breaches . The alarm is literally scare you so much . But researchers and some guards were kind and convince the 05 to make your room not to much sound proofed , so you can not frick the f- out of loud noises , but still to hear it . 

If Jay find something cool he will give it to you if he sees you . It can be like origami to jewelry from dead reaserche-

Romance relationship :

Well ... HE WANTS TO CUDDLE WITH YOU REALLY MUCH . He's fricking touch starved . He will give you gifts too ! Jewelry , cool looking pens , oh you like to draw ? He will collect many papers/notebooks and such things like that . You want to listen music . He will give you random phones that he found . If Foundation take them from you ...*Whisper* Don't worry he have another one for you- .

He will introduce you to his brother . And Doc is literally like :

WHEN DID MY BROTHER FOUND A SIGNIFICANT OTHER . AND IN FOUNDATION ? WHAT THE HELL . And really amazed by that Jay's talking not to loud as he used to . 'Cause now he don't scream about him being the best cure . He's now talking about you all the time with him . And Doc is like : "Ummm can I ... go now ? No ? But I need to cur-"

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