SCP 076 x reader

767 19 1

Before I start . So . Do any of you will be interested in reading oneshots for my OCs ? Well they aren't humans(They were) , they are like demons/angels ? Or just reincarnation after death ? Idk how to explain it here shortly. Only in the book I can-  Btw the species are called The Corrupted Souls .

Requested by : Charlie_Sharlotte

Okay ... sooo , I'm sorry for making you wait for a long time ;-; I'm really so fricking sorry- . It's really f*ing hard to write something . My imaginary just died , WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO ME?! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH-

(Btw , you will be like in the past then he has living normally and not wanting to kill Cain . Well ... for now .)

You were a 15-18 year old teen(Just imagine , if you're younger/older , okay? ). You were born in b/d(Birth date) . Or should you say appeared . That's right . One day you just started existing , thanks to the god . Your creator . He said that you were another of his creation and about some family? You didn't really know if you heard him right . But , it does not matter . One day you found little lamb it looked lost . And fluffy too , so you decided to pet it and because you are petting it , your affection towards this lamb made it a little comfortable around you . And now you're laying on the ground and little lamb are asking you for more pets then you stop . 

It looks very cute . Isn't it ? But , suddenly you heard someone .

"Hey ! What are you doing- Oh you're just petting her ? "

" Oh . Hi . Is this lamb yours ? "

"Yeah ... By the way I'm Abel ."

"Y/n . I found her here . She looked lost ."

" She strayed from the herd . And lost her mom ."

"Oh , that's sad "

"Thanks for being with her and not killing her "

"No problem Abel ."

"Thanks again . And I need to watch over my herd , so bye . See you later . Or I hope that we'll meet again " - As he said that he picked up the lamb and walked away .

"Bye , see you too . Probably ."

Time skip

You were walking and just looking around , you were really bored . You had nothing else to do . You were flying in cloud or how can you say it , but then you felt something touching your leg . You looked down and saw a lamb , it's probably the one you gave many pets . Then you looked up and saw some one in distance . Probably 5 meters away from where you stand   .

"Hi Y/n " - It was Abel . Well at least you can talk to him a little so you won't be really bored .

" Hi Abel . Nice to see you again . And your lamb that was lost . "

" Heh , yeah . How are you ? "

" (Your answer ) . What about you ?"

"I'm okay . And how you can see I'm with the herd ."

"So ... you're shepherd ? Is it right ? "

"Yeah . Took you long enough to recognize that ?"

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