SCPs x C.I spy reader .

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rxsyxhh asked:
SCP 035,049,079,096,173,999,and 682 finding out that Y/N is a spy for the CI (female reader romantic headcanons please)

Here you go ! And sorry for making you wait ;-; . And some of them will be short . So yeah ... Oh and you said about female reader , but I won't write about reader's gender . Gender is unspecified . Well it's much more like gender neutral reader . Okay enjoy reading . And if I've made a mistake in some words . Well sorry cuz I'm not from country where people speak English or language that's similar to English .

(C.I - Chaos Insurgency )

SCP 035

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SCP 035

They knew it already . You know he can read minds and etc. So it's not a surprise for them . But she'll use it on you . Yeah they're literally like teasing you . Until you slap them . Many times . Please do that or he'll literally annoy the crap out of you . 

But , you 2 are working together . And you two are pretty good partners(in both meanings) . He really want to be free and start a theatre and you can help her . Not that they use you . But it's their dream from a long time . And they help you too . Maybe you'll get promoted . So that's a plus for both of you . 

And if Foundation start to interview them about breach , cause it can be really massive . And he won't say what or who caused a breach . Even if she did , not like they will believe her . He can and will lie to them . And he's like : 

When why do you interview me them ? If you don't believe me . It's pointless ! "

SCP 049

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SCP 049

Then he learned about your secret . He was shocked . He thought that you were a fellow scientist/MTF . Not the spy from a different G.O.I(Group of interest). But , he still will be with you . You didn't even tell him about what you need to do . He'll kind of support you . No matter what . Don't worry Y/n !

And then you said that you are the cause of the breaches that happened few days ago . He's concerned . "Why did you do that . I'm not mad at you . I'm just really surprised !" . After you explain to him why you do it . He have more questions . But , he will try to help you . And , yes he want to see how the world look like after those years . And like his friend he won't use you for his own interests . Again don't worry reader .

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