Male scp 939 x male reader NSFW Headcanon

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Anonymous asked:

Male scp 939 x male reader nsfw headcanons

It depends on your mate . No really . Not every 939 is same . But I think that he's top .  But you can be dom bottom .

Well he can really much truly talk . He will sometimes make sentence with words that he heard from his past victims , that are now dead . He likes sound that you make .

Btw he will follow you EVERYWHERE . Lock doors behind you .

Oh and he don't care about position . Mostly missionary or doggy style . You don't need explanation ?

Expect lots . LOTS of bites on your neck . And he's really sorry if they'll start to bleed . He didn't knew that he bit to hard . It won't kill you ... He hopes .

Praise kink for sure . He will make sure that you're okay . Cause humans are different from his species(Other 939s) . And more easily killable and breakable . No matter how much you say that you aren't weak . He don't care . He will make sure that you're okay !

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